Morning report. 1990-10-29

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Broadcast Date
29 Oct 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex Money Matters:Margaret Inge on Japanese Credit
0615 Ex Michael Dodd: German Environment
0618 Ex BBC:Cambodian TV Documentary
0620 Ex Post Election Special:Women in Parliament
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment" : Rev David Windfield, In Gill Minister
0652 Ex Post Election Special: "Don't Know Voters"
0655 Prime Minister Elect, Jim Bolger
0700 NEWS
00:2:21 ELECTORAL Reform Coalition says voting system unfair, Nick Early i/v Rod Donald, VP LIVE
00:5:39 POLICIES:Geoff Robinson i/v Ken Douglas CTU LIVE
00:5:06 ELECTION:Kim Hill i/v Jim Bolger - PM Elect LIVE
00:5:03 ELECTION:Kim Hill i/v Mike Moore - Defeated PM
0727 WEATHER illegible NEWS & SPORT
00:00:1:51 SHOOTING:Man shot by police in Newmarket died yesterday Sally Haysom LIVE
00:5:22 NLP: Geoff Robinson i/v Jim Anderton - New Labour Party METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:3:34 SUMMIT:Pacific Island meeting in Hawaii. Fraser Folster i/v Geoffery Henry, Cook Is. PM.
00:00:2:20 GATT negotiations. BBC
00:00:1:11 ELECTION result produces warming of relations between NZ and US. Connie Lawn i/v Steven Solarz, US Congress.
00:1:34 LABOUR Party conference in 2 weeks time. Paul Jackman i/v Ruth Dyson, Labour Party Pres.
00:00:2:46 ELECTION: 10 MP's with small majorities. Rory Newsam i/v Brian Clark, Chief Electoral Officer
00:00:3:26 ELECTION:Emotional turmoil for ousted MP's Sarah Lockie i/v Ross Gilmour, Consultant Psychologist LIVE
00:5:49 GOVERNMENT:Geoff Robinson i/v Richard Griffen, Pol Ed LIVE
00:0:36 GREENS:Geoff Robinson i/v Dennis Tegg, Green Candidate
00:00:1:40 INTEREST rates expected to drop. Tino Pereira i/v Michael Steendfeldt, BNZ
00:5:05 POLITICAL:Geoff Robinson i/v Dr Michael Bassett, Retired Cabinet Min and Politcal Historian LIVE
00:5:22 ELECTION:Kim Hill i/v Dr Barry Dallas, Greymouth Mayor
00:00:0:58 AK CITY COUNCIL:Job cuts announced today. Todd Niall
00:00:2:11 SIR JOH's wife says his prosection is a witch-hunt Phil Kafkaloudes
00:00:1:39 GULF:Soviet envoy meets Iraqi Leader. Alan Little, BBC
00:00:1:47 GULF:UN Security council postpones voting on resolution Christopher Gunness, BBC
00:00:1:49 HUNGARIAN demonstrations over petrol price rises. Kirsty Lang, BBC LIVE
00:5:28 NZSO CONCERT:Geoff Robinson i/v Farguhar Wilkinson, Chair. of Alex Lindsay Memorial Award.