Morning report. 1990-11-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Nov 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex BBC: Hostages in Lebanon.
0618 Ex Kafcaloudes: Two Australian navy ships go to the Gulf
0620 Ex Managh: Fear for unions of "social dumping"
0623 Ex Checkpoint: Seminar on abortion pill in Auckland.
0625 Good Morning "Rural" New Zealand: See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment" : Kevin Clements, Christchurch Sociologist
0652 "Money Matters" : Margaret Inge. Lion-Nathan and Bond Brewing
0654 Ex Checkpoint: Controlling public expenditure
0700 NEWS
00:3:04 CTU and Government discuss Growth Agreement. Peter Aranyi
00:00:1:31 AUSTN. tax/wage deal. Phil Kafcaloudes
00:00:2:15 BRITAIN's Tory MPs cast votes for leader. Andrew Whitehead
00:00:5:44 AUSTN. Foreign Minister Gareth Evans in Wellington for top-level meetings.
00:00:0:32 ECONOMY: Government expected to make major statement before exams. Peter Verschaffelt
00:00:2:29 PAPUA NG. No word on hostage John Marsh's condition or rebels' demands. Rory Newsam/Terry Cowland, Papua New Guinea Foreign Affairs
00:6:31 FISHING: Geoff Robinson interview with Doug Kidd, Fisheries Minister METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:4:10 GATT talks. Leigh Pearson interview with Ove Juul Jorgenson, European Community Trade Ambassador to Australia and New Zealand.
00:00:2:41 DRIFNET fishing will be in the spotlight again at the United Nations in a few days. Judy Lessing
00:00:2:39 EUROPEAN Security Conference in Paris. Mark Brayne, BBC
00:2:56 JAPANESE Company renews application to purchase Waikarei Golf Course. Rory Newsam interview with Rob Storey, Lands Minister
00:00:3:20 PAY EQUITY: Row over government's decision to scrap pay equity Nona Pelletier interview with Carol Parker, NZEI President.
00:00:2:27 BANKING: Barnardos family support workers call for a banking ombudsman. Nona Pelletier interview with Liz Hicks, Barnardos LIVE
00:8:15 TRANSPORT: Kim Hill interview with Ariel Alexandre, OECD Environment Directorate, Paris and speaker at Institute of Transport Conference
00:00:2:56 GAMBLING: Crackdown on operators of gaming machines planned. Clare de Lore interview with Graeme Lee, Internal Affairs Minister.
0830 NEWS
00:00:6:22 THATCHER: British Prime Minister forced into second ballot for Tory party leadership. Viv Robbins, BBC
00:00:2:36 WORLD WILDLIFE Fund moving into global issues such as pollution. Karlum Lattismore/Dr Henner Ehringhaus LIVE
00:7:21 EARTHQUAKES: Kim Hill interview with Grant Dickson, documentary writer and Professor, and Jim Ansell, Victoria University Geophysics Professor.
00:00:3:24 BUSINESS AWARDS in Auckland last night. Peter Verschaffelt LIVE
00:4:06 BUSINESS: Geoff Robinson interview with Douglas Myers, 1990 Business Executive of the Year