Morning report. 1992-01-29

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
29 Jan 1992
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex Deutsche Welle: Internat. Organisation for Migration
0615 Ex Deutsche Welle: Britain to bring in new immig. leg'n.
0618 Ex Chkpt: NZ TV being shown in Fiji
0620 Ex BBC: Future of the African elephant
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0642 "Morning Comment": Lawrie Hampton. Hamilton ret'd Min.
0644 "Money Matters": Margaret Inge. Health insurance premiums
0650 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0700 NEWS
0708 LIVE
00:5:43 VIOLENT CRIME: Kim Hill i/v Jim Bolger, P.M. LIVE
00:3:57 WOOL EXPORTS: Geoff Robinson i/v Grant Sinclair, Wool Bd
00:0:23 MIDDLE EAST regional co-operation multilateral talks. Barnaby Mason, BBC
00:1:53 COMPUTER error - beneficiaries receive letters saying benefits will be cut. Mary Tait
00:3:36 COMPUTER ERROR: Rory Newsam i/v Andy Kirkland, Soc. Welf
00:2:26 SEA LIONS: Paul Jackman i/v Denis Marshall. Connsev. Min. METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:2:21 US PRES. STATE OF UNION speech today. Chris Nuttall, BBC
00:2:16 RUSSIA & UKRAINE row over who controls the fleet. Tim Whewell, BBC
00:3:32 ABORIGINALS in Aust. claim rights over all of their country. Phil Kafcaloudes
0810 LIVE
00:6:28 NURSING GRADUATES: Kim Hill i/v David Wills. Nurses Soc. Dir.
00:4:07 TEACHING GRADUATES: Sarah Lockie i/v Rosslyn Noonan NZEI
00:7:31 CRIME: Kim Hill i/v Prof. Paul Wilson, criminologist at Queensland Uni. of Technology.
0830 NEWS
00:3:57 ON-THE-JOB SAFETY: Cushla Managh LIVE
00:5:21 CAMBODIA: Kim Hill i/v Stephanie O'Connor, NZ nurse just returned from Cambodia
00:3:22 COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE asked for help in recovering debts by small businesses. Nona Pelletier i/v Dot Kettle. Law Cn LIVE
00:5:44 WOMEN PRIESTS: Geoff Robinson i/v Barbara Matthews, member of movement for ordination of women in Australia
00:3:15 NZ. EXPEDITION to circumnavigate Arctic circle. Karlum Lattimore i/v Graeme Dingle. Expedition leader