Morning report. 1992-05-05

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
05 May 1992
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0608 Ex BBC: Korea marks 80th birthday of Kim II Sung
0611 Ex BBC: AIDs risk for hospital patients in Britain
0614 Ex BBC: Patten apptd Governor of Hong Kong
0619 Ex BBC: Ireland exports rock music to the world
0622 Ex HO: More German tourists visiting NZ
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0642 "Morning Comment": Pm Nth PR planner Suraya Dewing
0644 "Money Matters": Margaret Inge/ medical insurance
0650 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0700 NEWS
00:3:23 BENEFIT FRAUD: NZers travelling overseas to be screened by Customs. Peter Abernethy/Jenny Shipley/Dan Ormand
00:4:02 NZ'S SOFTWARE INDUSTRY hailed as potential winner. Peter Verschaffelt i/v Jim Bolger, PM
00:3:38 WTN. AREA HEALTH BD: Peter Abernethy/Karen Poutasi/Dr John Carter/Chris Collins. Nurses Assn.
00:2:41 TRUANCY: Govt. to enrol Dept. of Soc. Welfare. Janice Rodenburg i/v Tony Steel, Hamilton East MP
00:2:27 WTN. PUBS & NIGHTCLUBS turning blind-eye to underage & drunk patrons. Gay Cavill i/v Det. Insp. Nick Perry
00:3:21 LOS ANGELES: Night-time curfew lifted. Richard Arnold
00:2:42 GREENPEACE critical of govt. inaction over CO2 emissions Sarah Boyd/Kirsty Hamilton, Greenpeace
00:3:37 COUNTDOWN SUPERMARKETS: Proposed takeover of Countdown & Rattray chains. Tino Pereira i/v Peter Conway, Dist. Wkrs METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:1:54 AFGHANISTAN: Heavy shelling around Kabul. Lyce Doucet BBC LIVE
00:4:48 FIJI: Kim Hill i/v Stan Ritova, Pres. Fiji Press Club
00:2:06 SMACKING children in Britain could soon be an offence. Keith Chalkley
0810 LIVE
00:6:40 PRISONS: Geoff Robinson i/v Charlotte Nesbitt, US prison management consultant.
00:5:28 MAORIDOM said to be at crisis point. Tino Pereira i/v Sir Graham Latimer, Chair. of Māori Council
00:1:57 STUDENTS - RESEARCH: Sarah Lockie LIVE
00:6:12 EDUCATION: Geoff Robinson i/v Dr Adrienne Alton-Lee Lect. in Education at Canterbury Uni
0830 NEWS
00:2:18 INSURANCE CO. pushes for random breath testing to be brought in. Karlum Lattimore i/v Bruce McKessar. AMI
00:3:41 MIN'RY OF COMMERCE investigates dumping complaint. Nona Pelletier i/v Wally Gardiner. Manuf. Fed. LIVE
00:5:33 PLASTICS: Kim Hill i/v Bob Mackie, chair. Plastics Inst.
00:2:38 NZ ARMY unit being presented with Battle Honours from the Queen. Jo Myers i/v Maj. Mark Pope
00:3:36 CAVERS 18 hours at bottom of rockface waiting to be rescued. Karlum Lattimore i/v Bruce Mutton. Caver LIVE
00:5:50 AUSTN. PM: Kim Hill i/v Michelle Grattan, Canberra corresp