Morning report. 1993-02-26

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
26 Feb 1993
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex BBC: Violence in India. Judy Swallow.
0613 Ex Chalkley: London goes for EC money.
0617 Ex BBC: Application by Jews in London for Eruv turned down.
0618 Ex Deutsche Welle: The Monarchy in Europe.
0623 Ex Mana News: Māori wardens patrol Hamilton city.
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0642 "Morning Comment": Anne O'Rourke, Research Consultant, Wgtn.
0644 "Marketing Bit": Honey exports. Peter Bray, Airborne Honey.
0650 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0700 NEWS
00:05:39 HEALTH: Allegations of deaths in ChCh hospital during or following surgery. Anastasia Harallambi i/v Jim Anderton.
00:02:07 HEALTH: Reports from Royal Australasian college of surgeons available soon. i/v Brian Stokes, Canterbury Health Commissioner.
00:02:04 SUPERMARKET workers being exploited. Cushla Managh i/v Doug McLaren, Merchant's Association.
00:03:14 ECONOMY: National Bank predicts everyone will benefit from the economic recovery. Anna Hughes i/v Girol Karacaoglu, National Bank Chief Economist.
00:03:08 WILD HORSES to be moved to reduce damage to grassland. Karlum Lattimar.
00:01:41 WHALES: WWF calls for a whale sanctuary in NZ's 200 mile zone.i/v Mike Moore, Labour Leader.
00:02:50 WHALES: Defence of Gov'ts stance on whaling. Richard Griffin i/v Dennis Marshall, Environment Minister.
00:05:25 WHALES: Geoff Robinson i/v Ambassador Gudmunder Eriksson Iceland's rep to International Whaling Commission. METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:02:59 SECURITY COUNCIL: Overseas tour by Minister to discuss issues Don McKinnon, Foreign Minister. LIVE
00:06:34 RAPE: Kim Hill i/v Sybille Kapferer, Internat. fact finding mission member.
00:04:07 HEALTH: Patient & health consumer protection. Richard Griffen i/v Helen Clark, Labour Health spokesperson.
00:02:10 HEALTH: Call for openess in decision making by the new health bodies. Peter Abernethy i/v Jim Tully, Canterbury University's journalism school. LIVE
00:05:25 TERTIARY EDUCATION: Geoff Robinson i/v Professor Ruth Gee Chief Executive of Edge Hill College, Ormskirk, Lancashire
00:03:27 SCHOOL HOUSES being sold by Gov't. Mary Wilson i/v John Mead, School Trustees Association. LIVE
00:06:33 PACIFIC ISL. BUSINESS CONFERENCE: Geoff Robinson i/v Myron "Pinky" Thompson, Hawaii.
0830 NEWS
00:02:35 SUPERANNUATION: Lobby groups cynical about politicians superannuation discussion. Anna Hughes i/v Bunny Robinson Age Concern spokesperson. LIVE
00:05:48 BEFRIENDERS/SAMARITANS: Kim Hill i/v Peter de Boon, World chairperson of Befrienders. LIVE
00:05:26 WINE: Kim Hill i/v Stephen Peter, Champerelle restaurant.
00:02:49 GRAMMIES: Eric Clapton cleans up awards. Judy Lessing. LIVE
00:05:00 OZ SPOT: Weekly look at events across the Tasman. Phil Kafcaloudes.