0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex BBC: U.S - Bosnia
0615 Ex BBC: Middle East peace talks
0618 Yeltsin vote, Steven Dalziell, Soviet Analyst
0620 Ex BBC: Russia. Pit bull terriers popular.
0623 Ex BBC: Pablo Escobar the world's most wanted man
0624 Ex Mana News: Māori & electoral reforms
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0642 "Morning Comment": Graham Millar, Wtn. community worker
0644 "Marketing Bit": Tony Seagar, GM PDL Packaging
0650 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0700 NEWS
00:03:05 MāORI EDUCATION: Adam Gifford
00:05:11 TAURANGA VOTERS go to the polls tomorrow. Janice Rodenburg i/v Neil Atwood, Winston Peters campaign mgr.
00:02:40 ECONIMIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kathryn Street i/v Ruth Richardson, Finance Minister LIVE
00:00:06 BY-ELECTION: Geoff Robinson i/v Richard Griffin
00:03:26 SHELLFISH: Falling numbers on Ak. beachers. Adam Gifford i/v Bob Drey. Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries
00:00:20 EDUCATION SYSTEM: Linda Rose i/v Austin Brookes, Porirua College Principal
00:02:24 ANSETT NZ's current chief leaving for job with Lion Nathan. Peter Verschaffelt i/v Gary Smith, current chief METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:01:27 BOSNIA'S REFUGEES: Hugh Schofield
00:02:09 GROUP OF 7 strongest industrial countries meeting. Katty Kay, Tokyo
00:01:01 SOUTH AFRICA: Colin Blane, BBC
00:02:33 NORTH HARBOUR RUGBY TEAM: Super 10 tournament match against Transvaal. Peter Fowler i/v Chris Doel
00:00:23 ELECTION CAMPAIGN PLANS: Geoff Robinson i/v Mike Moore Labour party leader
00:02:55 BUSINESS CONFIDENCE SURVEY: Anna Hughes i/v Murray Weatherston. Dun & Bradstreet Consultant economist
00:02:31 BUSINESS SURVEY: Cushla Managh i/v Dr Alan Bollard. Dir. of NZ Institute of Economic Research
00:03:28 HIV & AIDS policies in schools. Mary Wilson i/v Roy Peach, National Exec, member School Trustees Assn. LIVE
00:05:45 WOMEN & NUMBERS DISPLAY: Linda Rose i/v Megan Clark mathematician, Victoria Uni
0830 NEWS
00:02:25 SAFETY AT SEA: Kerry Lamont i/v Ian Bradley, former frigate captain
00:01:56 TOP DRESSING PLANES leave NZ bound for Turkey. Richard Harding, Wanganui Aerowork
00:01:34 KAKAPO: Kerry Lamont i/v Don Merton, Kakapo recovery group co-ordinator LIVE
00:05:32 SCHOOL BOOKS FOR FIJI: Geoff Robinson i/v Bill Tito Upper Hutt man.
00:01:53 TV GAME SHOWS: Kerry Lamont i/v Selwyn Toogood. veteran Games Show host
00:03:33 BRITAIN: Illegally imported cattle. Keith Chalkley
00:01:46 RUSSIA: Robert Parsons, Moscow LIVE
00:08:06 OZ SPOT: Phil Kafcaloudes with the weekly look at events across the Tasman.