Morning report. 1993-10-15

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Broadcast Date
15 Oct 1993
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin
00:04:09 GATT: European Community and the US have failed to break deadlock. John Fraser
00:02:09 LABOUR PARTY:Debate over Political promises. Anna Hughes
00:02:44 TELEVISED LEADERS DEBATE: Janice Rodenburg
00:01:37 SOMALI FACTION LEADER: Announces release of two United Nations soldiers. Roger Hearing - BBC
00:01:44 CLINTON: Welcomes release of helicopter pilot Michael Durant from Somalia. Connie Lawn - wrap
00:02:38 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Foot patrols assessing earthquake damage. Kerry Lamont i/v Leith Anderson - Director of PNG National Disaster & Emergency service.
00:02:01 ACC: Unionist claims Private Investigators spying on ACC clients. Maevis Watson - Meatworkers Union Health and Safety consultant.
00:01:50 ACC (2): Gerard Counsell i/v Gerrard McGreevey of the ACC
00:01:48 FOOTBALL: Englands footballers back home from Holland Keith Chalkley - wrap
00:04:53 LABOUR CLAIM: That Nat. Gov. election promises will send the financial balance further into the red. Michael Cullen - Labour's Finance spokesperson LIVE
00:04:05 LABOUR CLAIM (2): Ruth Richardson - Finance Minister METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
00:01:00 ELECTION MINUTE: Karen Fisher
00:02:50 AERMACCHI JET: Air Force and Navy crews working to salvage crashed jet from swamp. Kerry Lamont i/v Lieut. Murray Neilson
00:02:35 WOMEN'S REFUGES: Women take to the streets protesting at cuts in government funding. Karen Ave i/v David Steemson
00:02:07 PORNOGRAPHIC AMNESTY: Organised By Internal Affairs. Nona Pelletier i/v Roger Smeed of Internal Affairs LIVE
00:04:31 CROATIA: UN warning Serb and Croat., forces appear to be preparing for an all-out war in Croatia. Chris Cviic
00:01:25 SOUTH AFRICA:Guilty verdicts on two shite defendants. John Harrison
00:02:21 VOTERS:A record number of people registered this year Mary Tait
0830 NEWS
00:02:26 TELECOM: Will close all 48 shops by March next year Nona Pelletier
00:02:36 UNIVERSITY: How much money are Universities holding in the kitty. Anna Hughes i/v Albert Brownlee Vice Chancellors Committee Chair
00:02:25 BREATH TESTING: Police say there have been 41 fewer crashes Mary Tait i/v John Kelly - Police Inspector
00:03:46 BAD SERVICE: NZer's used to grin and bear it.Larry Crosby LIVE
00:02:55 RUGBY TOUR: All Blacks fly to London this Weekend. Graeme Moody - R.N.Z. rugby commentator
00:01:06 KIM HILL:
00:02:06 MORNING COMMENT: Trevor Roberts LIVE
00:08:02 CORRESPONDENT: Phil kafcaloudes