Morning report. 1994-02-15

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Broadcast Date
15 Feb 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ: See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Reaional News: Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
0700 NEWS
00:04:08 CHE: A leaked letter has revealed deep concerns among CHE heads about the very basis of the health reforms. Tina Pereira LIVE
00:01:02 CHE (2): Jenny Shipley - Health Minister
00:02:31 PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS: The Minister of Health. Jenny Shipley is this morning calling for chances to the law to Drevent the release of dangerous psychiatric patients into the community. Anastasia Harallambi
00:03:09 PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS (2): Anna Hughes LIVE
00:04:01 PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS (3): Jenny Shipley - Health Minister
00:01:48 SEARCH: The search continues this morning for a 34-vear-old Jaoanese tourist missing. feared dead, in the Mount Cook Nat. Park. Paula Penfold i/v Sat Dave Thomason - head of the Mount Cook search.
00:02:28 POHUTUKAWA: Race against time to save Pohutukawa. Andrew Melville
00:04:45 MP OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Pious Winoti. is in NZ for talks. Prime Minister Winati
00:02:23 TERMINALLY ILL: Public hospitals haven't the room for terminally Ill Patients. Chris Forster METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
00:02:34 WAITANGI: The Waitanai Tribunal has told the Government it should soend more money on an information campaign about the Māori electoral option. Colin Feslier
00:02:57 WAITANGI (2): Adam Gifford
00:04:25 BOSNIA: The Security Council has opened the door to a public debate on what's haoaening in Bosnia Herzegovina. Judy Lessons LIVE
00:04:51 PAEDIATRICS: There is a shortage of specialist health care for children in Canterbury. Dr Paul Malaises - squarer planner LIVE
00:03:01 BRITISH SEX: The resignations of juniors ministerial aide Hartlev Booth, over his affair with a young woman researcher, has raised the Question of WHY we've seen this rash of embarrassing revelations. Des Fahy LIVE
00:03:06 BRITISH SEX (2): Oliver Riddell
0830 NEWS:
00:04:01 CHINA: Chinese people who fled here following the Tiananmen Square massacre are callino on the Government to follow other western nations and aive them refugee status. Peter Fowler
00:04:06 FIREARM INJURY: In the US firearm injury is replacing motor vehicle accidents as the leading cause of death among young people. Dr Yvette Davis from the National Centre for Injury Prevention and Control in Atlanta
00:02:42 BOLD COAST PROPERTY DEVELOPERS: Kiwis flock back to Gold Coast to snag up high rise apartments. Seamus Kearney i/v Reece Kiernander - Goldf Coast Property co. PRD Realty
00:02:09 KEATING: Australians have seen a softer side of their PM Paul Keating with a most unusual interview given by the head of averments on national TV last night. P. Kafcaloudes
00:01:52 MORNING COMMENT: Ian Harris LIVE
00:06:26 CORRESPONDENT: Peter Hutchinson
00:02:29 WRONGLY ACCUSED: An Auckland Samoan community leader has condemned what he calls the sad case of two Samoan sisters who were wrongly jailed and threatened with deoortation. Tino Pereira
00:01:47 TOWN SUES: An Australian town is suing it's shire council far a huge amount of money claiming the council's negligence caused massive devastation during maiar floodina four vears ago. P. Kafcaloudes