Morning report. 1994-03-04

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Broadcast Date
04 Mar 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
0700 NEWS
00:02:38 ASSET TESTING: The government has modified its controversial asset testing policy for patients in long stay geriatric beds in public hospitals. Janice Rodenburg
00:01:58 ASSET TESTING (2): The group Age Concern has welcomed the changes to the asset testing regime. Kerry Lamont LIVE
00:04:08 ASSET TESTING (3): Jim Bolger - Prime Minister VOKO
00:01:43 GROWERS: More than 500 Hawkes Bay pipfruit growers met in Hastings last night to discuss the iimplications of the fresh hail storm. LIVE
00:03:12 GROWERS (2): John McClisky - Chair of the Apple and Pear Board LIVE
00:03:53 GROWERS (3): Jeremy Dwyer - Hastings Mayor
00:02:01 GUN IMPORTS: The police are warning that controls on gun imports will remain strict evenn after a Customs prohibition. Karlum Lattimore
00:03:43 MAIDEN SPEECHES: Both the new National members of parliament have used their maiden speeches in the house to express a strong commitment to the youth of NZ. Janice Rodenburg
00:03:10 MURDER LAW: A criminal lawyers association and a former High Court Judge have joined the Police Association in calling for the government to act how to bring laws in which will let criminals be charged with different degrees of murder. Anna Hughes
00:51:00 MURDER LAW (2): Phil Goff has called for change in the definition of murder.
00:02:01 HELICOPTER: Civil Aviation Authority investigators are hunting for illegal helicopter operators who are carrying fare-paying passengers without meeting safety requirements. Peter Fowler i/v Kevin Ward - Civil Aviation Authority Director METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
00:04:08 SOUTH AFRICA: First all-race election draws nearer. Nelson Mandela ANC says it accepts black and white conservatives demands for international mediation over the new constitution. Antony Johnson - political correspondent LIVE
00:03:40 BOSNIA: The Croatian President Franjo Tudjman is to give a rare televisied speech today to try to woo both the public and his party's hard line to support the US-brokered accord on a Croat-Moslem federation in Bosnia. Muhammed Sacirbey - Bosnian ambassador to the UN LIVE
00:02:29 WESTERN SAMOA: A large protest march calling for the removal of a controversial tax. Lance Polu
00:02:07 BMW: The luxury car company BMW is concerned a number of its cars which have been imported into NZ second hand appear to have had their speedos wound back. Nicola McConnel
00:03:11 PACIFIC ISLAND: On the principal that success breeds success. a conference in Auckland today of hundreds of business-people of Pacific Island descent will serve as a motivator to better business. Frances Hartness - Executive Director of the Pacific Isla Development Trust
083 NEWS:
00:02:28 SOCIAL WORKERS: The Association of Social Workers is responding to public calls for greater accountability from social workers. Mary Tait LIVE
00:02:33 LEFT HAND DRIVE: A call's been made for more driver education for foreign tourists who're used to driving on the right hand side of the road. Pat O'Dea - Mayor of Buller District LIVE
00:02:41 LEFT HAND DRIVE (2): George Fairbairn - General Sec of AA
00:03:11 VIETNAM: Business links are being forced between NZ and Vietnamese companies as a result of a joint initiative just signed in Hanoi Dave Williams - Hamilton Businessman
00:01:57 ISRAEL: The Israel authorities are releasing another 400 Palestinia prisoners to try to reduce tension following the massacre at the mosque in Hebron last week. Jon Devitt
00:01:46 RUSSIA: Has begun cutting gas supplies to the former Soviet republic of Ukraine and Belarus because of their failure to pay outstanding bill totalling hundreds of millions of dollars. Robert Parsons
00:04:09 PACIFIC: On the principal that success breeds success, a conference in Auckland today of hundreds of business-people of Pacific Island descent will serve as a motivator to better business. LIVE
00:03:07 HOMEBREW: Chris Reading Wellington Chemist and author
00:01:06 KIM HILL: LIVE
00:08:15 OZ SPOT: Phil Kafcaloudes