Morning report. 1994-03-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Mar 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
0700 NEWS
00:02:15 FLOODS: Over the weekend South Canterbury saw some of the worst floods the region has seen for years. Jane Jennings LIVE
00:03:34 CIVIL DEFENCE: Eric Spittle - McKenzie District Council Civil defence co-ordinator
00:03:23 KOREA: Tension is building up on the Korean peninsula. Mark Bowling
00:03:52 SANDRA LEE: Auckland Central MP, Sandra Lee is the new leader of Mana Motuhake, following the retirement of the party's founder, Matiu Rata.
00:02:12 GILLIES: An inquiry will begin today into why the prisoner John Gillies was allowed to breakfast with his de facto wife while on transfer between prisons last December. Megan Francis
00:00:14 DOUG GRAHAM: The Minister of Justice has hit out at the prison service following the revelations that prison John Gillies was allowed to have breakfast with his de-facto wife during an unscheduled stop while being transferred between prisons last year
00:02:41 BEEHIVE STAFF: Running the Beehive is getting more expensive. Kathryn Street i/v Labour MP Bete Hodgson illegible WEATHER
00:03:50 ROGER MAXWELL: NZ has been promoting the idea, to Australia, of a special immigration permit for accredited members of Olympic teams heading towards our countries for the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. Mr Maxwell
00:03:10 CULTURAL FESTIVAL: A three day festival of Auckland Māori and Pacific Island secondary schools has ended. Henare Te Ua METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
0800 NEWS:
00:01:20 GROWTH CORRECTED: The NZ Institute of Economic Research is warning the current upswing in the economy is likely to taper off after next year. David Hargreaves
00:03:43 COOKS/PETERS: Winston Peters says a Cook Islands Government inquir into alleged international tax fraud is adding to the pressure for NZ to investigate the claims. Kathryn Street i/v Winston Peters
00:03:56 DOMESTIC PROTECTION: The Justice Department says it's found strong public support for plans to strengthen the legislation regarding court-ordered protection for victims of family violence. Adrienne von Tunzelmann - Group Manager
00:02:53 IRISH: The Irish foreign minister Dick Spring insists the Dublin government won't hold talks with the IRA and its political wing Sinn Fein if the IRA declares just a temporary ceasefire. Keith Chalkley
00:01:17 MAGLAJ: UN forces have reached one of the most isolated pockets of Bosnia. Richard Carruthers
00:01:15 SARAJEVO FOOTBALL: In Sarajevo, UN forces have played a local team at soccer, in the first public sports gathering for two years Jim Muir
00:01:41 LIGHTENING: The Fire Service says a Titahi Bay couple are lucky to be alive this morning after a lightning strike on their house. Glyn Jones i/v John Symes - Titiahi Bay fire station officer
00:02:08 MIDEAST: Israeli officials are holding crucial talks with the PLO in a bid to produce a meeting within days between Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and PLO head Yasser Arafat. Jon Devitt
00:01:59 PREJUDICE: Warwick Bennett, the 36-year-old Auckland man accused of murdering his wife Yvonne 12 years ago, calims publicity surrounding the case is prejudicing his chances of a fair trial Nick Hirst
00:03:43 KENNEDY OBIT: One of the country's leading commentators, John Kennedy, has died in Dunedin aged 67. Kevin Molloy
00:01:52 SOMALIA: Negotiations are still continuing to win the release of New Zealander Wayne Hargreaves, kidnapped in the Somalia capital Mogadishu eight days ago. Megan Francis
00:02:00 MORNING COMMENT: Norman McLean
00:01:06 KIM HILL: LIVE
00:06:32 CORRESPONDENT: Antony Johnson