Morning report. 1994-03-24

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Broadcast Date
24 Mar 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
0700 NEWS
00:03:55 FORTEX: The future of the financially crippled Fortex meat company is expected to be known by Friday evening. Stephen Parker
00:04:00 FORTEX (2): Nine hundreds jobs have been lost at Fortex's Seafield plant near Ashburton. Marie Hosking i/v Diana Roberts - wife LIVE
00:05:13 FORTEX (3): John Falloon - Minister of Agriculture and Ken Douglas - President CTU
00:01:37 FIJI-NEW ZEALAND: Air New Zealand says it's new service to Japan which begins next Monday is going to be severely affected unless the Fijian government reinstates ANZ landing rights at Nadi. Megan Francis LIVE
00:02:36 FIJI-NEW ZEALAND (2): Maurice Williamson - Minister of Transport
00:01:16 INTEREST: While the Reserve Bank's forecasting rises in interest rates over the next couple of years, at this stage, it's clear how big that rise will be. Peter Fowler
00:04:10 ASSET TEST: A bid in Parliament to repeal the asset-testing regime for the elderly has failed. Kathryn Street
00:01:56 HUI: The national hui on Māori health moves into its second day at Rotorua today. Kerry Lamont
00:01:50 CAMBODIA: In Cambodia, security is being tightened in the northwestern city of Battambong, to prevent any attempt by the Khmer Rouge to take revenge for the government's capture of their nearby headquarters at Pailin. Ian Simpson METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
0800 NEWS:
00:02:39 PETERS-COOKS: In the latest chapter in the ongoing saga of Winston Peters allegations of tax fraud in the Cook Islands, Revenue Ministe Wyatt Creech says the government is taking the allegation seriously. Janice Rodenburg
00:01:45 CORRUPTION: Reaction to Mr Peter's claim that the Serious Fraud Office and its head Charles Sturt, were guilty of turning a blind eye to the alleged frauds. Peter Fowler LIVE
00:04:38 KOREA: South Korea has put its 650,000-strong armed forces on special alert after a warning from North Korea that the threatened US deployment of Patriot anti-missile batteries in the south would push the peninsula to the brink of war. Richard Grant - from London
00:03:00 SPEEDING: Police in Auckland are planning a major blitz against speeding, after speed camer figures show that Aucklanders are much more likely to break the speed limit than drivers elsewhere in the country. Superintendant Dick Waters LIVE
00:03:24 SPEEDING (2) : John Toomath, Safety standards manager for the Land Transport Safety Authority
00:03:10 COMMEMORATIONS: John Major's statement that German troops could well be invited to parade through central London next year as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations to mark the end of World War Two has provoked strong reaction in the tabloid press and from some MP's. Keith Chalkley
00:02:38 PETERS: Winston Peters says he isn't satisfied with the way his allegations coporate fraud involving New Zealand companies and the Cook Islands are being investigated. Tino Pereira i/v Winston Peters NZ First MP
00:02:04 ARMY GUNS: Over 10 thousand surplus Army semi automatic rifles, and a few hundred machine guns are now on their way overseas as the defence department ends a five year effort to rid itself of obsolete euqipment. Karlum Lattimore
00:03:11 ARMY GUNS (2): Will Fowler LIVE
00:03:24 MEDIA: The media is under the spotlight for the way it reports crime Prof Margaret Gordon - University of Washington
00:01:06 KIM HILL:
00:02:00 MORNING COMMENT: Jim Veitch LIVE
00:05:06 FRUIT AND VEG: Jack Forsythe