Morning report. 1994-03-25

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Broadcast Date
25 Mar 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0613 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
0700 NEWS
00:01:53 TRANSPORT: The government's decidd on a limited freeing up of coastal shipping. Janice Rodenburg
00:02:02 ARATIKA: A combination of bad weather and mechanical problems meant a long journey for passengers travelling from Picton to Wellington on the Inter-island ferry. Aratika last night, Stephen Parker i/v Cpt John Mansell - master of ferry LIVE
00:04:07 ARATIKA (2): Ken Plowman - Executive Director of the NZ Shipping Fe
00:01:44 CHILDREN: The way children are seen in the eyes of the law is back on the political agenda. Kathryn Street
00:01:29 BROADMORE: A group of doctors concerned about child sexual abuse say they're concerned the committee has decided not to recommend th introduction of mandatary reporting of child abuse. Karlum Lattimore i/v Juliet Broadmore LIVE
00:04:06 SOWRY: Roger Sowry - Parliament Social services select committee
00:02:23 PETERS: In parliament, NZ First leader, Winston Peters, has added Telecom to the list of those he's accusing of tax fraud in the Cook Islands. Janice Rodenburg
00:01:41 FRONTLINE: VCY Court upholds confidentiality of stolen europac docs Todd Niall LIVE
00:03:57 ELECTION: Cook Islands people go to the polls today to elect a new government and to vote on a proposed new flag, new name, and new national anthem. Alex Sword - Editor of the Cook Islands news LIVE
00:01:09 SHAREMARKETS: The NZ sharemarket has slipped 120 points so far this week. Heugh - Sharebroking Analyst with ANZ McCaughan in Auckland METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
0800 NEWS:
00:02:19 FORTEX: The two thousand of the Fortex meat processing company are anxiously waiting to hear today if they face redundancy. Stephen Parker LIVE
00:04:08 SOMALIA: An agreement for peace has just been signed in Somalia. George Bennet - spokesperson for the UN in Somalia
00:01:49 MANUFACTURERS: Manufacturers say they are delighted by a large increase in sales last year. Megan Francis i/v Roland Crone - President of the Manufacturer's Federation. LIVE
00:03:37 CHILD PROTECTION TRUST: The newly formed Trust has condemned the government's decision not to make it mandatory for certain professional groups to report all cases of suspected child abuse. Dr Fancourt
00:03:41 ASIAN: An Auckland Secondary school, Selwyn College, is calling in the race relations office today after a fight between Korean and European students errupted this week. Co-principal Carol White and John Kenny
00:02:10 TELECOM: Thousands of Telecom workers are expected to attend stopwo meetings around the country today. Peter Fowler
00:01:45 NOUMEA: The Navy is maintaining contact with the shocked family of the suspended sailor charged with murder in New Caledonia. Glenda Wakeham
00:02:49 GRAHAM: Justice Minister Doug Graham says Kelly Dicken won't be coming home until after his case has been heard, and - if he is found guilty - has served his sentence. Karlum Lattimore i/v Doug Graham - Justice Minister
00:01:14 MāORI: The Minister of Health, Jenny Shipley, has released the Maor health policy guidelines for regional health authorities and the Public Health Commission. Kerry Lamont LIVE
00:03:47 HEALTH: Māori should control their own health services. Kingi Smile LIVE
00:03:14 NOVEL: A British mother of three has won a contest for writing a novel in 24 hours. Maggie Hammond - winner
00:01:06 KIM HILL:
00:08:05 OZ SPOT: Phil Kafcaloudes