Morning report. 1994-03-31

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Broadcast Date
31 Mar 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport:
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific: Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
0700 NEWS
00:01:12 TELECOM: Telecom and the communications and energy workers union both say they want to get back around the negotiating table and resolve the issue which has seen thousands of workers go out on strike. Kerry Lamont LIVE
00:05:07 TELECOM (2): Ben McMillan - Telecoms chief operations officer and Neil Anderson - Communication and Energy Workers Union
00:03:13 ILO: The Employers Federation says NZ must consider pulling out of the International Labour Organisation if the ILO refuses to acce that country has enshrined labour rights in law. Adam Hollingworth LIVE
00:03:40 ILO (2): Gordon Anderson - Vic Uni Dept of Industrial Relations
00:02:06 APRIL 1ST: Tomorrow - April the first - will see a whole range of new legislation taking effect. Leigh-Anne Wiig WEATHER:
00:02:58 PETERS: In parliament. New Zealand fist leader Winston Peters is claiming vindication of his allegations of crooked tax dealings in the Cook Islands. Janice Rodenburg LIVE
00:03:03 WYATT CREECH: Revenue Minister LIVE
00:00:57 KIWI SELLS: There's been a big sell-off in the Kiwi dollar overnight Tony Alexander - Deputy Chief Economist with BNZ METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
00:03:18 ADAM: Dame Whina Cooper's Tangi draws to close at Waipuna Marae in Panguru today. Adam Gifford
00:02:20 CRIME: The latest, crime figures show there's a big jump in the number of violent crimes but more crimes are also being salved, and more people are being arrested. Karlum Lattimore
00:01:10 CRIME (2): The Minister of Police, John Luxton, says the statistics serve as a reminder about the scale of violent offending in this country. Kathryn Street i/v Police Minister John Luxton
00:02:38 CRIME (3): A leading criminologist believes the latest crime figures reflect good policing ... but also show that people are taking more responsibility for preventing crime Karlum Lattimore
00:02:40 CONSUMER: From tomorrow consumers will have more protection when purchasing goods and Services. Leigh-Anne Wiig LIVE
00:03:04 CONSUMER (2): Katherine O'Regan - Minister of Consumer Affairs
00:02:59 HOUSE: Accusations of laziness, incompetence and callousness were levelled at the government when it wound up Parliament for a seven week recess yesterday. Janice Rodenburg
00:02:41 FORTEX: The Fortex receiver says a shortfall of half a million dollars in contributions to the snr staff superannuation funds doesn't appear to be the result of fraud. Adam Hollingworth LIVE
00:03:23 FIRES: The plans unveiled by the Fire Service for reform yesterday have been criticised by firefighters in several quarters. Vern Greenham - Snr Firefighter LIVE
00:00:33 TAUPO: A commercial launch that went aground yesterday in Lake Taupo sparked concern that the bottom of the lake was rising. Dr Bruce Houghton - Volcanologist LIVE
00:03:32 TOWNSEND: A NZ cement producer has come up with a processing technique that could reduce the dumping of waste in the Pacific Ocean. Bill Townsend - Managing Director Cement
00:01:38 MORNING COMMENT: Elisabeth Isichei LIVE
00:08:05 OZ SPOT: P. Kafcaloudes