Morning report. 1994-04-18

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Broadcast Date
18 Apr 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
00:04:05 CHRIS CVIIC: From the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
00:04:43 GORAZDE: Reports from Sarajevo say that Bosnian Serbs have agreed to the deployment of a 336-member international buffer force in the Moslem enclave of Gorazde.
00:02:41 HEALTH: New initiatives for public health care have been spelled out in a strategic plan released today. Stephen Parker LIVE
00:03:03 JENNY SHIPLEY: Minister of Health
00:03:54 SAMOA: A stormy reception from both the Samoan media and the weather was encountered by the PM, Jim Bolger, in Western Samoa over the weekend. Janice Rodenburg
00:00:13 WESTPAC-MORTGAGES: One of the big six trading banks is preparing to raise mortgage and interest rates. Harry Price, GM, Westpac LIVE
00:02:50 ANDERTON: PM Jim Bolger's remarks that the National MPs might leave the party and a coalition form BEFORE the next election has been seen by Alliance leader Jim Anderton as a case of facing up to the inevitable. Jim Anderton
00:02:03 JAPAN: The Former Foreign Minister' of Japan, Michio Watanabe, says he intends to leave his party, the Liberal Democrats, and seek an understanding with the governing coalition, in order to strengthen his chances of becoming PM. Philip Short METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
00:03:41 LINDSAY TISCH: The acting National Party president, Lindsay Tisch, says the party's discussions on how list MPs would be formed under MMP recognise that the end result of the list process must appeal to voters. Lindsay Tisch
00:02:38 RAIL: A union leader claims that NZR will tell Cook Strait ferry workers this week its going to lock them out and replace then with other workers early next month. Mark Torley LIVE
00:02:56 KERRY: Striking laboratory workers employed by Capital Coast Health are picketing Wellington Hospital this morning as their employers brings in Australian labour to do their work. Kerry Lamont
00:01:45 RWANDA: There's no sign of a ceasefire in Rwanda, despite efforts by the UN to persuade the rebels and the army to resume peace talks. Mark Doyle LIVE
00:04:00 HERBAL: How safe are alternative medicines? Dr Peter Pillans
00:01:59 CARDPHONE: A large police team is continuing to investigate the brutual assault on an Auckland businessman in a downtown carpark last week.
00:02:58 GUNS: The Smallbore Rifle Association plans to extend its secondary schools gun instruction programme and its a decision which is being questioned by the control group, Gunsafe. Karlum Lattimore LIVE
00:03:52 BOOZE: It's several years since liquor advertising began on NZ TV screens. Sally Casswell - Auckland University
00:02:15 MUSEUM: There's growing frustration among Auckland Mayors over the Government's attitude to the refurbishment of what's said to be the country's most popular tourist attraction, the Auckland Museum. Nick Hirst
00:01:56 MORNING COMMENT: Deidre Kent LIVE
00:06:28 CORRESPONDENT: Mark Chrysell