Morning report. 1994-05-30

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Broadcast Date
30 May 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
0700 NEWS
00:01:36 HOSPITALS BOLGER: Intense controversy continues this morning after a weekend of argument over hospital closures. Anastasia Harallambi i/v Jim Bolger
00:02:15 SMALL HOSPITALS: There's been mixed reaction to the downsizing and probable closure of small, rural hospitals. Leigh-Anne Wiig LIVE
00:04:07 SHIPLEY: Jenny Shipley - Health Minister
00:03:11 COOKS: A long-delayed television documentary on European Pacific's use of the Cook Islands tax haven has finally gone to air. Adam Gifford
00:02:44 MOLLOY: But the broadcast of the documentary has brought a further call for a judicial enquiry has come from Tony Molloy, an Auckland QC, who has had some twenty-five years experience in the tax field. Tony Molloy - Auckland QC LIVE
00:04:04 WINSTON: Winston Peters - NZ First Leader WEATHER:
00:04:42 RWANDA: In Rwanda, fighting has been raging in Kigali on the eye of ceasefire talks between rebel and government forces. George Alagiah - BBC LIVE
00:03:50 SMOKING: The campaign against smoking appears to have hit a few snags. Gillian Durham - CE of the Public Health Commission METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
00:04:21 CLARK: Now returning to our earlier story - the proposed closures of small hospital, and the opposition to them. Helen Clark
00:03:55 FERRY: The Cook Strait ferry dispute has come to a head, following at announcement by NZR that it plans to lock out ferry workers next month. Leigh Anne Wiig
00:03:27 NATIONAL CONFERENCE: National Party members and MPs continue to grapple with the uncertain and increasingly fluid political landscape. Anastasia Harallambi
00:01:55 DOCTORS AND DOPE: The Australian Medical Association has suggested the decriminalisation of marijuana in relation to people who are caught with small quantities of the drug. P. Kafcaloudes
00:02:12 DIANA: Princess Diana is to be heard using a swear word beginning with F... to describe her relations with the Royal Family in a TV documentary. Keith Chalkley
00:01:39 MEAT: Health authorities in Wellington and the Wairarapa are warning people against unlabelled small meat-goods after the discovery of a suspected illegal meat racket over the weekend. Gyles Beckford
00:02:29 MENINGITIS: Meningitis has claimed its fourth life this year in NZ. Mary Tait. LIVE
00:03:32 CITY: Setting up home in the inner city is taking off in a big way in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, according to property developers, who say the trend shows little sign of abating. Stuart Niven - Urban designer for the WCC
00:01:59 EUROPEAN UNION: New Zealanders living in Europe would be given improved rights under a new European Union plan to boost the status of guest migrant workers. John Fraser
00:02:00 MORNING COMMENT: Brian Turner LIVE
00:06:18 CORRESPONDENT: Frances Kennedy