Morning report. 1994-06-07

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Broadcast Date
07 Jun 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
0700 NEWS
00:01:24 CLINTON: Nineteen heads of state and government, including US President Bill Clinton, and our own PM Jim Bolger this morning took part in the D-Day commemorative ceremony on Omaba Beach.
00:02:54 D-DAY: Officials then went on to take part in the International ceremony on Omaha Beach which saw some of the bloodiest fighting in D-Day. Lynne Terry
00:03:37 BOLGER AT CEREMONY: The Prime Minister, Jim Bolger, laid a wreath if NZ aircrew who were killed before D-Day but now lie among the D-Day dead.
00:02:41 YACHTS: The aftermath of a huge storm which struck a fleet of yachts between Auckland and Tonga continues today. Mary Tait
00:02:06 SEARCH LATEST: With the latest information on the search we're joined now by Sguadron leader Paul Harrison from the National Rescue Co-ordination centre in Wellington.
00:01:23 AIR CRASH: A Chinese state-owned aircraft has crashed near the northern Chinese city of Xian. James Miles WEATHER:
0730 NEWS AND SPORT: illegible FERRY: The Seafarers Union says specialpolice sguads are in intensive training to help enforce NZR's planned lockout of ferry crews, due to take effect in three weeks time. Peter Fowler LIVE
00:03:25 EDWARD ORR: Farmers who're owed about seven and a half million dollars by the collapsed Fortex company are meeting in Christchurch today to discuss their options. Edward Orr
00:04:08 BOLGER: The Prime Minister says NZ can expect some of the highest level British contact over the next year or so. Karen Fisher METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
0800 NEWS:
00:01:39 ARREST: The two men charged with the murder of an elderly Waikato couple are due to appear in the Hamilton District Court today. Alexia Russell
00:03:16 TAX-PETITION: NZ First Leader Winston Peters is confident that thousands of NZers will sign the petition he's circulating demanding a Royal Commission to inquire into Cook Islands tax deals. Anna Hughes
00:00:17 ROAD TOLL: Five people were killed on the roads over the Queens Birthday weekend - nearly doubling the figures from last year's holiday period. Superintendent Ray Whatmough
00:02:58 NOMAZA: Allegations that Wellington woman Nomaza Paintin, billed as the first person to vote in South Africa's all race elections, is not all she appears to be. Mary Tait
00:02:07 PAINTIN: A Christchurch man who went to SA to observe the elections says coverage of Nomaza Paintin casting her vote was high profile in the media there. Jocelyn Darling i/v Dr Martin Holland illegible IMMIGRATION: The Labour Opposition says the government's immigration policy isn't working. Peter Fowler
00:00:14 IMMIGRATION (2): But Immigration Minister Roger Maxwell says National's immigration policies are more effective than Labour's and most types of investment will benefit the economy. Roger Maxwell LIVE
00:03:28 LARRY BRILL: Each year the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction contest is held to find the world's worst prose.
00:01:50 WATER: Aucklanders are going to have to cut their water consumption even further as the region's drought worsens. Todd Niall
00:03:04 CHE-SELL: Chief executive of CHE say a proposal by the Young Nationals that the CHEs should be put up for sale is not a realistic one. Anna Hughes
00:02:52 RAEWYN EMPSON: Four takahe will go island hopping on a helicopter today in a bid to improve their species chances of survival. Raewyn Empson
00:02:15 MODEL-X: More than five thousand people toured the ninth "Model X" hobby and model exhibition in West Auckland at the weekend. Clare Pasley
00:01:06 KIM HILL:
00:02:00 MORNING COMMENT: Pauline O'Regan LIVE
00:06:10 CORRESPONDENT: Lynne Terry