Morning report. 1994-06-08

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Broadcast Date
08 Jun 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
0700 NEWS
00:03:24 HEP-C: Health Minister Jenny Shipley has set aside one million dollars to trace people who contracted the Hepatitis C virus from infected blood transfusions. Anna Hughes
00:01:49 HEP-GROUPS: Meanwhile Patient and support groups have condemned the Government's moves on the infected blood products issue as too little too late. Kerry Lamont LIVE
00:02:44 FEEK: With us now in the studio to explain how the hunt for carriers of Hep C and those who may have been infected by the virus will be carried out is Colin Feek. chief medical advisor to the Ministry of Health.
00:03:52 YACHTS: There is now little hope of finding the three crew members of the yacht Quartermaster alive. Stephen Parker
00:02:28 WATER GOVERNMENT: The Government's undertaking to help Auckland solve its water shortage crisis. Kathryn Street i/v John Banks LIVE
00:02:32 GRIFFITHS: Representatives from five local authorities in Auckland as well as the publicly owned water supply authority Watercare Services will meet this week to discuss water rationing. Nigel Griffiths
00:01:12 BUDGIE-FIRE: Two Lower Hutt firefighters are being hailed as heroes after saving the life of a beloved family pet last night. Leigh Parker WEATHER
00:02:27 CRIME: The police say latest statistics herald the most significant reduction in crime for thirty years. Leigh-Anne Wiig LIVE
00:02:45 ROUND: Spurred on by the apparent success of local night patrols in reducing crime a public meeting was held last night in the Wairarapa town of Martinborough with a view to setting one up in the area. Derek Round
00:02:50 FERRY: Wellington Police are rejecting claims that special squads are in training to meet any industrial action on the Wellington waterfront. Peter Fowler i/v Superintendant Gerry Cunneen METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
0800 NEWS:
00:04:17 BOLGER: New Zealand's international economic and industrial relations reputation is making news this morning. Karen Fisher
00:03:26 MARSHALL: The Employers Federation says there is real concern over New Zealand's relationship with the ILO - the International Labour Organisation.
00:02:02 SECURITY COUNCIL: The President of the European Commission in Brussels. Jaques Delors, says there should not be just one United nations Security Council, but two. John Fraser
00:03:27 TAX: In the latest developments in the Cook Islands tax saga, the chair of the select committee conducting an inquiry, Ruth Richardson has spelt out the ground rules that will apply. Janice Rodenburg
00:01:58 WHALING: Norway's decided to ignore the international moratorium on commercial whaling and has announced it will hunt three-hundred-and-one Minke whales during the coming twelve months. Wayne Brittenden
00:02:30 FIRE HOUSES: The Fire Service says it was well aware it might have to pay fringe benefit tax. following the cheap sales of a service house. Leigh Parker
00:02:16 POTTER: One of Britain's most acclaimed television writers Dennis Potter has died at the age of 59. Greg Barrow - BBC
00:02:00 STUDENTS: Tertiary and college students have started a week of action to protest the recommended fee increases in the Todd Taskforce report. Leigh-Anne Wiig i/v Jason Hemopo
00:02:17 CANCER FOOD: The Cancer Society is launching a nationwide campaign today aimed at lowering the country's cancer rate through better eating habits. Kerry Lamont
00:04:33 BAGHURST: If diet is so important in helping to avert the disease, why don't people eat the foods they ought to? Katrina Baghurst
00:02:16 SHIP: Families of the 44 crew who lost their lives when the British bulk carrier, Derbyshire, sank off Japan fourteen years ago. have called for another inquiry into the tragedy. Keith Chalkley
00:01:06 KIM HILL:
00:01:54 MORNING COMMENT: Noel Cheer
00:06:48 CORRESPONDENT: Mark Crysal