Morning report. 1994-06-09

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Broadcast Date
09 Jun 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
00:00:27 WATER/BANKS: With Auckland's water crisis now a political issue, Minister of Local Government, John Banks has said Auckland water company managers may be sacked and replaced with a commissioner if the response to the supply crisis is not stepped up.
00:03:39 TAX PAPERS: Controversial papers detailing tax deals in the Cook Islands are to be made public this morning despite being subject to a permanent injunction preventing publication. Anna Hughes LIVE
00:00:33 KIDD: The Minister of Labour Doug Kidd has vigourously defended the national government's industrial relations reforms to the ILO in Geneva. Doug Kidd
00:02:20 BUDGET: The government is due to deliver its budget in three weeks and more details of what can be expected are now starting to emerge. David Hargreaves LIVE
00:02:35 BEVAN GRAHAM: Westpac economist WEATHER:
00:03:41 ACC: The government is changing its controversial ACC regulations for the severely injured and expects to provide them with an additional 33 million dollars worth of help each year. Karlum Lattimore
00:03:29 STICKINGS: Paula Stickings, of the ACC Consumer Network, was an active campaigner to change the regulations for the severely injured and she says she's brickbats and bouquets for the government's proposed changes. Paula Stickings METROPOLITAN PAPERS:
0800 NEWS:
00:01:26 BUSINESS: A business hall of fame was established last night, with business leaders who are household names becoming foundation members. Peter Fowler
00:04:55 GOVERNMENT HITBACK: The Government is starting to hit back directly at NZ First Leader Winston Peters, following his continuing demands for an independent inquiry into Cook Islands tax deals. Kathryn Street
00:03:03 WATER: The latest official long range weather forecast for Auckland is out, and it's all bad news for the water shortage. Alexia Russell
00:06:40 JESSON/NORTHEY: Both the government and the opposition have criticised the way the Auckland Regional Services Trust has handled the Auckland water crisis. Richard Northey and Bruce Jesson
00:03:14 INNES PARLEY: The health and medical treatment given to the Auckland man who died after being suffocated in a police car is to be investigated by a Ministerial Commission of Inquiry. Kathryn Street
00:00:28 DOUGLAS: CTU president Ken Douglas has told the ILO that it came under attack from the National government because it championed workers' rights in NZ. Ken Douglas
00:03:11 QUARTER: The National Rescue Co-ordination Centre says it did the best job possible before deciding to call-off the search last night for the yacht Quartermaster and its three crew. Stephen Parker
00:03:22 FRANCE MEDAL: Memories of fifty years ago have been revived for a group of NZ veterans of the D-Day invasion of the Normandy beaches. Karen Fisher
00:01:06 KIM HILL:
00:02:00 MORNING COMMENT: Nancy Jean Whitehead LIVE
00:05:06 FRUIT AND VEG: Jack Forsythe