Morning report. 1994-07-19

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Broadcast Date
19 Jul 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ: See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News: Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Shane Cave.
0700 NEWS SELWYN BY-ELECTION nominations for candidacy close today. Labour Party's suggestion of combined opposition candidate spurned by Alliance and its preferred candidate. Ron Mark, decides against standing. Comment from leader Helen Clark and former leader Mike Moore. (Anna Hughes) SELWYN BY-ELECTION - Labour critical of Alliance for deciding against joinir forces with Labour and NZ First. Comment from Labour's Michael Cullen. (Lualemana Tino Pereira) SELWYN BY-ELECTION - live i/vs with Labour and Alliance campaign managers. Timms and Matt McCarten. BUENOS AIRES EXPLOSION levels 7 storey building housing Jewish groups. killing at 'least 16 people and injuring dozens. (Connie Lawn) RUGBY - South African winger James Small receives severe censure from office considering foul play charges against him but is free to play in second test against All Blacks. Live i/v with RNZ commentator Graeme Moodie. SELECT COMMITTEE HEARINGS on allegations of Cook Islands tax fraud cancelled for 2 days because of wrangle over who will chair committee, following Ruth Richardson's resignation. Live i/v with NZ First leader Winston Peters. NIGHT COURT opens' in CH. with 17 cases coming before a JP. mainly minor traffic offences along with 2 Disputes Tribunal cases. Live i/v with District Court registrar Robert Twidle.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT BENEFIT FRAUD - 81 year old Jack Maaka. jailed last year for 3 months, now faces demand to day back $81,000. Income Support Service tells him it plans cut his war pension by $25 a week to start repaving the debt. (Todd Niall) ISRAEL-JORDAN TALKS - live i/v with Jerusalem correspondent Asher Wallfish. Australian judge causes uproar with decision not to jail teenage Aborigine killer. (Phil Kafcalaudes) ASPAC SOMALIA - reports of NZ soldier serving with UN being kidnapped after ambust Live i/v with Major Rick McDonald in Mogadishu. PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER TEACHER PERFORMANCE - how do you measure it? Live i/v with performance appraisal and management expert. Peter Boxall of AK Univ. HOUSING NZ successfully sells 3 of 4 houses earmarked for sale in AK's expensive eastern suburbs despite strong apposition from same housing groups (Todd Niall) MATTHEW INNES INQUIRY - procedures for handling psychiatrically disturbed people being scrutinised. Mr Innes suffocated in a police car during trip from home to hospital. police officers Found to have used excessive force. (Karlum Lattimore) NZ EMBASSY to open in Hanoi. Foreign minister Don McKinnon says it will help to take advantage of trade opportunities in Vietnam. (Karlum Lattimore) VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA - survey published in Australian Medical Jnl shows almost 60% of Australian doctors want to law change to allow it. Live i/v with Univ NSW professor of community medicine. Peter Baume. VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA - live i/v with president of NZ Medical Assn. Dennis Fezarro. about situation regarding euthanasia in NZ.
0825 REG/NEWS/SPORT SELWYN BY-ELECTION - Federated Farmers says health matters and losses from Fortex collapse to forefront for farmers at moment. but rural people general pleased with state of economy. (Peter Fowler) NZ EMPLOYMENT SERVICE names AK's Avondale Employment Centre as "Centre of the Year" - it's place 2.500 people in work over last financial year. Live i/v illegible manager Pauline Jull. CORK OAK TREE seen as potential money spinner for entreoreneurial foresters. Ross McArthur of Marlborugh says it could be growth industry with export potential. He's i/ved live. COMMENT KIM HILL PREVIEW ITALY - live i/v with correspondent David Willey. about PM being dubed a dictator by political allies. World Cup disappointment. and 62 year old women giving birth. BRAZIL - World Cup success produces frenzy of joy. Comment from Brazilian journalist Velda Nelo of Radio Globo in Sao Paolo. (Erik Frvkberg) RAETIHI CHICKEN hides from rummading possum. becomes frozen to roof of owner car. (Peter Fowler)