Morning report. 1994-07-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Jul 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ: See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News: Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Shane Cave.
0700 NEWS MURDER ARREST - 30 year old Hamilton man arrested for murder of car dealer Alan Parsons, Mr Parsons' body found after he'd been missing for 10 days. (Tania Qolders) MURDER ARREST - live i/v with Det Sar Sgt Mike Whitehead, heading the Parsons inquiry. SELECT COMMITTEE - Otago Univ associate professor of politics. Tony Woods, says wrangling over who should chair finance and expenditure C'ttee is more case of political incompetence than cabinet-acting improperly as suggested (Lualemana Tino Pereira) SELECT COMMITTEE - live i/v with Tarawera MP Max Bradford who's been elected. after some delay, chair of finance and expenditure c'ttee SELWYN BY-ELECTION - Labour selects high school principal Marion Hobbs as candidate SELWYN BY-ELECTION - live i/v with new Labour candidate Marion Hobbs KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS confident of getting same pay as primary school teachers despite fact kindergartens can't afford increase from present grant. Teachers union says it's already received qualified approval of claim from employers (Mark Torley)
0729 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT JET FUEL blamed for recent engine failures an planes operated by Air NZ. Air-Nelson, and Ansett. Cause traced to Marsden Point oil refinery. Civil Aviation Authority director Kevin Ward says meeting of interested parties will be held to discuss problem. (Karlum Lattimore) BRITAIN - PM John Major reshuffles cabinet in effort to boost Tories chances against Labour's new leader, Tony Blair. (Keith Chalkley) NORMAZA PAINTIN, described as first black South African in world to vote; due to appear, in court charged with making false declaration. (Mark Torley) ASPAC/PAPERS PARTY LINES - telecom says they'll be eliminated over next few years in $60 programme. Comment from various party-line users. (Morning Rot)
0800-NEWS/WEATHER NORHT KOREA still mourning for Kim II Sung. Director of Korean Studies at Unity of Hawaii, Prof Dae Soak Suh. says sorrow is genuine - i/ved. RWANDA - refugee camps on Zaire border buckling under pressure of estimated 2m-Rwandans, mostly Hutus fearing for their lives under new mainly Tutsi govt. Robert Denny. official information delegate for Red Cross in Zaireans town of Goma, says situation is desperate. (Fiona Mayo) PRIVATE HOSPITALS Assn says some RHAS giving clear preference to Chest and ignoring govt instructions that funding should be contestable when health contracts are awarded for services RHA wants to purchase. Assn head Tim Burns comments. (Kerry Lamont) PROBLEM CHILDREN - 21 year Otago study finds early intervention key to helping and changing behaviour study director Phil silva says person's behavioural characteristics remain essentially the same throughout life (Leigh Parker) POLICE ASSN hanging Medical Disciolinary C'ttee will decide police doctors prong to condone use of cannabis by undercover officers 5 former officers say they became addicts as result of their work. Assn secretary Graham Harding comments. (Karlum Lattimore)
0825 REG/NEWS RWANDA - Oxfam calls for tougher UN line to prevent more bloodshed I/v with Ed Cairns, Oxfam policy adviser PRIMARY SCHOOLS- Eden Educational Development Initiative report on how to expand places to cope with booming rolls in garts of central AK recommends adding classrooms to some schools changing age groups served by other schools and establishing one new school in area. (Todd Niall) SPACE - President Clinton honours Apollo astronauts 25 years after the first moon Landing. (Connie Lawn) WOODSTOCK - 25 years since original festival. Two festivals planned for this year - Woodstock 94 is upmarket and very commercial while Bethel 94 is closer in spirit to original. I/v with New York journalist Stacy D'Erasmo of "Village Voice". COMET - live i/v with South African astronomer Dr David Laney. illegible COMMENT FRUIT AND VEG with Jack Forsythe.