Morning report. 1994-07-28

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Broadcast Date
28 Jul 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Shane Cave
0700 NEWS BOSNIA - UN convoy comes under fire as it nears road into Sarajevo closed by Bosnian Serbs. Observers say attack could be grounds for UN to call in NATO air strikes to protect peacekeepers. I/v with UNPROFOR spokesperson in Sarajevo, Claire Grimes. (Mng Rpt) BOSNIA - equipment for NZ troops being loaded onto ship in WN. Ship expected to arrive in Balkans in about 38 days. (Peter Fowler) SURGERY POSTPONED on 3 year old CH boy because of overload at CH Hospital. Anthony Robinson has exposed support pin in his arm. Comment from Jenny Robinson (mother) and Canterbury Health CHE chief exec Ian Frame. (Kerry Lamont) ITALIAN CORRUPTION - authorities issue warrant for detention of PM Berlusconi's younger brother on suspicion of having bribed Italy's finance police, only a illegible after PM forced into retreat over decree to limit magistrates' rights to detain suspects. I/v with correspondent Frances Kennedy. (Mng Rpt) PETER ELLIS APPEAL - Crown responds to appeal of convicted child abuser. (Merle Nowland) RWANDA - more than million refugees desperate for food, shelter and water. Live i/v with UNHCR spokesperson in border town of Goma, Chris Janowski.
0729 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS CAB DRIVERS' IDENTIFICATION should be more prominently displayed, according to Land Transport Safety Authority, to ensure drivers easily identifiable to passengers. Live i/v with Alan Woodside, head of Authority's Safer people and Operators branch. CAB DRIVERS' IDENTIFICATION - live i/v with secretary of NZ Taxi Fedn, Gavin Dobie. GANG PATCHES - police forced to drop ban against wearing of patches in Ruatoria. Asst Commissioner Bruce Scott says legal opinion is that wearing patch is not breaching the peace. He's i/ved live. ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER BOMBS - British ambassador to Israel summoned to Foreign ministry to be told of illegible's "deep concern" at two London bomb attacks, and urged to ensure greater security efforts made for safety of Jewish and Israeli buildings in London. (Keith Chalkley) BOMBS - Police warn London faces threat from Middle East suicide bombers. Analysts say bomb attacks appear to be part of worldwide campaign to derail Middle East peace process. Live i/v with Prof Lawrence Freedman, War Studies dept., Kings College, London. RAPIST - case of self confessed rapist who judge did not want to jail goes to Court of Appeal. Defendant admitted raping 9 year old adopted sister when he was 17, in 1977. Appeal against sentence dismissed, but not the views of the judge. (Merle Nowland) ASSAULT - 2 teenagers in court in AK after attack which left 17 year old badly beaten, with initials of street gang carved into his chest. (Todd Niall) WESTERN SAMOA - political storm brewing following report by chief auditor implicating 4 cabinet ministers in corruption. Live i/v with reporter Lualemana Tino Pereira. POKER MACHINE punters may get bigger winnings. Gaming industry chiefs intend to push for increase in current $100 jackpot limit when new Gaming Machine Bill comes before Parliament later in year. Vox pops with pokey players. (Mark Torley)
0825 REG/NEWS/SPORT EAST TIMOR - Indonesian foreign minister Ali Alatas strongly denies Indonesia browbeat its Asean neighburs to blacklist East Timorese delegates and others from attending recent human rights conferences. (Martin Gibson) CHILDCARE polluted by "crazy childcare experts who have disempowered parents" according to Australian child development expert, Dr Christopher Green. Dr Green in NZ as 1994 Anzac Fellow - he's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) KIM HILL PREVIEW COMMENT FRUIT AND VEG - Jack Forsythe live.