Morning report. 1994-08-29

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Broadcast Date
29 Aug 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS MEAT INDUSTRY - Northland farmers threaten to blockade Weddel plant in Whangarei if receiver tries to remove meat from freezers. Legal argument over who owns stock once it's sent to works and processed. Federated Farmers president Graham Robertson says farmers can prove they still own millions of dollars worth of product and are prepared to take receiver to court to get it back. (Mark Torley) MEAT INDUSTRY - live i/v with chair of Kaipara Federated Farmers, Bill Guest, about the dispute. ALLIANCE emerges for first National Council meeting since Selwyn by-election proclaiming progress on road to contesting full MMP election, including sharing out of places on party list, narrowing down shadow cabinet and preparing to take economic policy to money market people. Comment from leader Jim Anderton. (Todd Niall) INCOME SUPPORT SERVICE must change its ways, according to Manurewa MP George Hawkins, if it's to succeed in stamping out benefit fraud and bad debts, says a illegible of the $750m debt to the service is result of mistakes made by it. (Mark Torley) INCOME SUPPORT SERVICE - live i/v with general manager, George Hickton. BOSNIA - NZ soldiers settling in in preparation for arrival of main force. Capt Jodie Stewart says it's been acclimatisation period since soldiers arrived last week. She's i/ved live from Split in Croatia.
0729 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT MAF RESTRUCTURING - environmental groups pull out of govt group working on how to do restructuring because of misgivngs about way process being carried out. Live i/vs with Fedn of Commercial Fishermen chief exec Tony Craig and ECO co-chair Cath Wallace. MāORI ELECTORAL OPTION - way govt carried it out to be challenged in High Court in WN today. Māori Congress one of the parties behind the action - legal advisor Donna Hall says there were major flaws in how option was handled. (Anna Hughes) ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER COMMONWEALTH GAMES almost over. Shooter Stephen Petterson chosen to carry NZ flag in closing ceremony. I/v with team manager Dave Gerrard about highlight of team's effort. (Mng Rpt) NAME SUPPRESSION of AK child sex offender convicted last week could leave him free to strike again, according to Labour's Justice spokesperson Phil Goff. Mr Goff says man's background may have given him privilege not normally granted to sex offenders. (Todd Niall) INFERTILITY - Australian researchers says new techniques could mean that in 10 years' time, almost all couples seeking treatment could be sure of having child. First technique is programme in which unripe eggs collected from woman, ripened and fertilised without use of fertility drugs; second is introcytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) kin which one sperm injected into centre of egg and resulting embryos transferred to woman. Live i/v with Dr Guy Gudex, head of fertility clinic at National Women's Hospital. EUTHANASIA - Medical Assn approves recommendations of Otago Univ bio-ethics report which would allow doctor to withdraw food and fluid from patient diagnosed as being in persistent vegetative state and who is being fed artificially. Comment from Dr Keith Gibb, Medical Assn; Peggy Slater, Voluntary Euthanasia Society; and Dr John Bergin, Catholic Doctors Assn. (Fiona Mayo) WAGES - study of more than 2,000 collective employment contracts by VUW Industrial relations centre finds workes got pay rises of about 1% in past year. Study found since introduction of Employment Contracts Act. proportion of workforce covered by collective agreements has halved and proportion covered by contracts binding more than one employer has dramatically reduced. I/v with study co-author, Raymond Harbridge. (Mng Rpt)
0825 REG/NEWS/SPORT BRITAIN - opinion poll shows Labour Party and new leader Tony Blair leading Conservatives by 56% to 23%. Live i/v with visiting author and former deputy chair of Conservative Party, Lord Jeffrey Archer. QUAY WEST block, AK's largest inner-city apartment complex which is still in planning stage, takes 3 days to be virtually sold out. Buyers can either live in apartments or have them managed by developers as hotel units. Comment from agent John Bayley. (Todd Niall) OCEAN FISHING - UN countries now agree there must be effective international convention to regulate fishing outside 200 mile exclusive zones. (Judy Lessing) COOK ISLANDS using foot printing as new crime fighting tool. NZ fingerprint experts teaching local police some of latest methods for gathering forensic evidence and are paying particular attention to taking footprints from shoes illegible bare feet. (Karlum Lattimore) KIM HILL PREVIEW COMMENT I.R.A. political wing, Sinn Fein, signals widely anticipated ceasefire could be close, saying "essential ingredients" for peace breakthrough are falling into place. Live i/v with Belfast correspondent Eamon Malley.