Morning report. 1994-09-05

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Broadcast Date
05 Sep 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS BOUGAINVILLE - peace accord reached after 6 years of war between Papua New Guinea and island of Bougainville. A look at the history of the conflict. (Kerry Lamont) BOUGAINVILLE - live i/v with Port Moresby correspondent Sean Dorney about the peace accord and part played by PNG's new prime minister, Sir Julius Chan. BOUGAINVILLE - live i/v with NZ Foreign minister Don McKinnon about the apparent resolution of the conflict. DROWNINGS - AK's Manakau harbour claims 2 more lives after dinghy with 4 people aboard capsizes. Body of 11 year old Jeremy Hill recovered, 31 year old Solomon Nelson presumed drowned. Rescuers says once again power of sea has been under-estimated. (Alexia Russell) ACC ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN criticised by former traffic officer Tony Cross, injured chasing occupants of stolen car- says $00:02:5million could be better spent helping those in need - while Coalition on Accident Compensation lobby group spokesperson Ross Wilson claims campaign is image-building exercise. ACC's Fred Cockram defends the campaign. (Stephen Ward) POPULATION CONFERENCE opens in Cairo later today. Few disagreements but those illegible hard to solve. Vatican and some Muslim leaders oppose all mention of family planning, reproductive health, safe motherhood, and dealing with effects of unsafe abortion. (Judy Lessing)
0729 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT RUGBY - Canterbury wins Ranfuly Shield, beating Waikato by 29 points to 26. Live i/v with former All Black and Canterbury player Warwick Taylor, who was in the team the last time Canterbury won the shield in 1982. POPE JOHN PAUL says he'll go ahead with visit to Sarajevo provided security can be provided for local population. Bosnian Serb leaders earlier refused to guarantee Pope's safety. Live i/v with Chris Cviic, Royal Inst of International Affairs, about significance of Pope's visit. INTEREST RATES expected to show some volatility this week as markets await latest Reserve Bank economic forecasts. Some analysts believe NZ could be facing higher interest rates if latest data points to any fears about higher inflation. Comment from Roger Kerr of Bancorp. (Anna Hughes) ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER MEAT INDUSTRY - Hawkes Bay MP Michael Laws says there's chance Weddel works won't re-open, wants govt to help provide new jobs for displaced workers, says $250,000 grant to be divided among 5 resource centres is grossly inadequate response. (Peter Fowler) AUCKLAND CHE could soon publish draft health plan recommending axing of most health services at Green Lane and National Women's Hospital, option contained in consultants' report. Live i/v with dean of AK Medical School, Prof Peter Gluckman. SOUTHERN RHA says decision to fund some private hospital births will improve maternity services in Canterbury. St George's private hospital maternity unit was under threat but will now be paid by RHA for each normal birth and some caesarian deliveries. Deal under attack by health lobby group. (Chris Forster) BOUGAINVILLE - live i/v with Martin Miriori, representative of Bougainville Revolutionary Army in the Solomon Islands, about the ceasefire deal with Papua New Guinea.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS NORTHERN IRELAND - British PM John Major and Irish PM Albert Reynolds step up campaign to persuade unionists they should set aside any fears over IRA ceasefire. Strong effort being made to persuade Loyalist paramilitary groups to lay down arms, too. (Keith Chalkley) POVERTY - govt asked to use budget surpluses to wipe out poverty. Research by NZ Poverty Measurement study estimates $900m a year would be enough to raise every family in country above poverty line. Comment from Alliance leader Jim Anderton and Michael Barnett, AK Chamber of Commerce. (Anna Hughes) POPULATION CONFERENCE - correspondent Judy Lessing reports on the security difficulties faced by delegates and journalists attending the conference in Cairo. ENGLISH VICAR has hair-raising ride clinging to back of van after he tried to stop 3 men stealing paving stones outside his church. Live i/v with vicar, Rev Dennis Handley. COMMENT EDINBURGH FESTIVAL - live i/v with correspondent Andy Dougan about this year's Festival, described as the "most lavish and adventurous for years".