Morning report. 1994-09-19

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Broadcast Date
19 Sep 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS HAITI - US peace emissary, former president Jimmy Carter, has last-ditch talks today to persuade Haitian military leaders to step down and avert US invasion. Live i/v with "Guardian" Washington correspondent Martin Walker. HAITI - how do Haitians feel about possible invasion? Live i/v with former NZ journalist Carol Stiles, who lives on nearby Turks and Caicos Islands. POLICE SHOOTING - concern in Far North over shooting of unarmed 22 year old. Muriwhenau Runanga chair Rima Edwards says Keina Murray wasn't known as troublemaker and Māori community shocked by the shooting. Mr Edwards i/ved live. POLICE SHOOTING - police hoping to i/v Keina Murray today to find out more about what led to shooting. Lawyer Chris Harder passes on message from Murray family for everyone to remain calm until all facts known. Call backed by Police Assn president Steve Hinds. (Martin Gibson) CH RAPE AND KILLING of 22 year old Anne-Maree Ellens. Body found in grounds of CH East School. Examination of scene has produced a number of leads for police. (Helen Mattinson) GREEN SOCIETY party launched, new contender for Green vote. Comment from Hans illegible, Green Party, and Jeanette Fitzsimmons, Alliance. (Todd Niall)
0729 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT MORTGAGE INTEREST RATES - BNZ says only matter of time before it raises home mortgage rates. New round of rises became likely last week when 90 day bill rate continued to climb in response to inflation response. Comment from Wayne Weston, BNZ corporate affairs, and Philip Wrigley of Infometrics. (Stephen Parker) ELECTORAL REFORM COALITION again scrutinising MMP system, says single issue parties will get nowhere under new voting method, while first past the post campaigner Peter Shirtcliffe says single issues parties will increase number of wasted votes under MMP. Follows suggestion from Sporting Shooters' Assn which is considering forming party to campaign for tougher law and order policies. (Peter Fowler) IRELAND - Irish premier Albert Reynolds says he doesn't think there's any prospect of a united Ireland in this generation. Comments follow British PM John Major's promise that people of Northern Ireland will be allowed referendum to decide future. (Keith Chalkley) PARLIAMENT being taken over by secondary school students today. Mock sitting marks 20th anniversary of lowering voting age from 20 to 18 years. (Peter Fowler) ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER GREENS - new party inspired by Hans Gueber, critic of Greens who have teamed up with Alliance. Green leader within Alliance, Jeanette Fitzsimons, thinks its worthwhile sticking with Alliance and is co-deputy leader. Live i/vs with her and Mr Grueber. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGN begins scrutiny of NZ industrial relations laws today, investigating Council of Trade Unions complaints about Employment Contracts Act. Comment from Angela Foulkes, CTU. (Stephen Parker) WOMEN IN PART TIME WORK - study carried by Inst for Social Research and Development says reality for many women is low rates of pay, poor employment conditions and little job security. Live i/v with one of researchers who produced the report, Marianne Bray. POLICE SHOOTING in Far North - Māori community deeply concerned. Muriwhenua Runanga chair Rima Edwards says police have poor relationship with Māori and there have been cases of police beating up young people in area. Live i/v with Whangarei District police commander, Supt Les Lilley. KIM HILL PREVIEW
0830 NEWS/SPORT OHAKEA - private detective who worked on RNZAF base commander's house costs investigation, Paul Bonny, speaks out. Mr Bonny's affidavit on coast over-runs led to Serious Fraud Office investigation into base's financial accounts. (Martin Gibson) PAPUA NEW GUINEA - more than 30,000 people being evacuated from northern town of Rabaul amid fears of imminent volcanic eruption. Live i/v with Port Moresby correspondent Sean Dorney. EMPLOYMENT EQUITY - Labour MP Elizabeth Tennet to introduce private member's Bill on Equal Employment Opportunities, in attempt to bring equity back onto statutes. (Clare Pasley) EUROPEAN UNION'S trade commissioner Sir Leon Brittan believes Japan offering trade concessions to US while denying them to Europeans. Brussels correspondent John Fraser i/ved about EC's concerns. COMMENT SWEDISH ELECTION - expected to see return of opposition Social Democrats and party leader Ingvar Carlsson. Live i/v with political commentator Nigel Roberts who's in Stockholm.