Morning report. 1994-10-06

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Broadcast Date
06 Oct 1994
RNZ Collection

600 News/Sport 615 Good Morning Rural NZ : See Rural Report Rundown 630 News/Weather/Māori News 640 Report from our Mana News team 645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International 650 Business and financial news. David Jones. illegible NEWS WISS POLICE find 48 bodies after mystery fires in two villages linked to andian-pased cult. Live i/v with Swiss journalist Imogen Foulkes; 2 bodies illegible in Quebec after arson destroys home of cult leader Luc Jouret, founder of he Order of the Solar Temple. I/V with Francois Dore, Spokesperson for Quebec illegible police. (Mng Rpt) PUBLIC SERVICE - clash between Internal Affairs minister warren Cooper and head of dept Perry Cameron intensifies, with minister implying Mr Cameron may no Longer be running dept. PM Bolger defends warren Cooper over future employment of former RNZAF Ohakea commander Frank Sharp. (Anna Hughes); live i/v with John Bartin, former senior public servant and now senior lecturer in public policy illegible VUW. CNZ PROFITS - govt urged to ensure ECNZ records no more super profits after it illegible profit of just under half million for 15 months to end of June. consumer groups say it's up to govt to ensure consumers start to benefit from illegible's good performance. comment from David Russell, Consumer Coalition, and illegible Kammler, Power for Our Future. (Leigh Parker); live i/v with vuw countancy professor Don trow about the ECNZ result. 29 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT illegible PIPELINE - govt officially delays legislation but not without legthy illegible rowdy debate. Comment from North Shore MP Bruce Cliffe, Labour MP Pete illegible NZ first leader Winston Peters, and Alliance MP Sandra Lee. (Anna illegible); live i/v with Alison Clarke, deputy mayor of North Shore City and air of regional task force responsible for water sayings. illegible WRITING SKILLS among growing number of university students shown up by illegible univ English dept study. Carole Acheson, of Univ's writing and study skills programme, says it's nationwide problem. (Chris Forster) ASPAC/PAPERS illegible NEWS/WEATHER BRITISH LABOUR LEADER Tony Blair moves to dump party's 76 year old commitment illegible nationalise means of production, distribution and exchange. I/v with London political correspondent Paul Rowley. (Mng Rpt) illegible SEA WORMS infesting parts of Australian waters, fears they could arrive illegible NZ and threaten shelifish industry. Comment from MAF scientist Barbara illegible. (Mary Tait) illegible CONTINUES SEARCH for second-hand ship for troop support despite losing out illegible deal to buy Australian Navy ship earlier in week. Defence spokesperson Odr Richard Jackson comments. (Karlum Lattimore) ENINGOCOCCAL DISEASE - campaign begins today to vaccinate around 2,000 at risk pre-schoolers in WN South. Comment from Medical Officer of Health, Dr Jane Hallanan. (Fiona Mayo) EMERGENCY SERVICES GUILD - new firefighters' union, negotiates 15 pay rise for illegible members in AK region. Unclear how many firefighters will benefit. Comment from acting president Royd Kennedy. (Adam Gifford) illegible PARKING - legal challenge to WN City Council's scheme fails. Lawyer for challenger Mary-Ann Kelly says there may be grounds for appeal. Comment from Councillor Val Bedingfield. (Mary Tait) EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS - Distribution Union expresses concern about detailed regulations and requirements being included in some employment contracts. gives illegible AK shoe store Mr Christian which order employees not to wear skimpy clothes and make sure they have lipstick on before greeting customers. Comment from industrial officer Peter Conway. (Kerry Lamont): live i/v with one of the store's employees. KIM HILL PREVIEW
0830 NEWS/SPORT BOUGAINVILLE PEACE PROCESS in danger of breaking down. Bougainville evolutionary Army commander Sam Kuona says promises of close consultation with Papua New Guinea have proven false. NEW SOUTH WALES BUSH FIRE fighters appear to have won over one of largest of more than 100 fires burning across state but persistent high winds keeping emergency services on alert. Live i/v with correspondent Jason Morrison. UNITED STATES - President Clinton and President Mandela of South Africa hold joint press conference after Mr Clinton announces additional financial aid for South Africa. Live i/v with Washington correspondent Connie Lawn. illegible COOK - people living nearby about to start celebrations commemmorating first climb of mountain, on Christmas Day 1894. Live i/v with general manager of illegible Hotel, Dennis Callesen. COMMENT FRUIT AND VEG with Jack Forsythe.