Morning report. 1994-10-31

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Broadcast Date
31 Oct 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning Rural NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin
0700 NEWS WINSTON PETERS puts spotlight back on Cook islands, raising questions about deals contained in second wine box of papers, claiming links between between NZ and notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Mr. Peters i/ved illegible HELICOPTER CRASH in south westland kills all 7 on board, including 4 Thai tourists, weather conditions hampering recovery of bodies. Live i/v with Sgt Brian Buck at Fox Glacier. HELICOPTER CRASH - Tourism Board says death of even one overseas visitor is one too many and it's important to find out cause of crash. Spokeperson Chris Ryan comments. (Corinne Ambler) AVIATION ROW - speculation that Australian govt will not overturn decision to abandon single aviation market deal. Aviation reporter Lualemana Tino Pereira reports issue may not now be raised until PM Bolger meets Australian PM Paul Keating at APEC meeting next month. WHITE HOUSE SHOOTING - 26 year old Francisco Martin Duran charged with wilful damage and illegal possession of firearms after allegedly firing at White House with semi-automatic rifle. Noboy hurt inside or outside White House. Live i/v with washington correspondent Connie Lawn. EAST TIMOR - Bishop Carlos Belo tells visiting NZ delegation that his people lack basic human rights. (Jonathan Schwass)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT ALL BLACK COACH Laurie Mains quoted as saying rugby s top job just isn't worth it illegible review of Sean Fitzpatricks book due to be released this week. He's also said to be critical of NZRFU for failing to support national selectors, but Mr. Mains says the comments are misleading and quoted out of context. He's i/ved live. BOUGAINVILLE - NZ Foreign minister Don McKinnon talks to local leaders about peace process to resolve dispute about seceding from Papua New Guinea, and about assistance needed for rebuilding after years of conflict since Bougainville Revolutionary Army seized power. Mr. McKinnon i/ved. (Mng Rpt) ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER ALLIANCE/LABOUR PARTY skirmishing over coalition arrangements. Comment from leader Jim Anderton. (Lydia Monin); live i/v with Labour leader Heien Clark. POWER COMPANIES - Power New Zealand to publicly respond today to Mercury Energy's takeover big, now ready to spell out company's position and shareholders options. (Lydia Monin) SOUTH AK SERIAL RAPIST - police hope reward of $100,000 will be incentive enough for someone to come forward with information they need to catch the rapist. Reward believed to be biggest ever offered by police. Live i/v with head of Operation Park, Det Sgt Dave Henwood. BRITAIN - allegations of political sleaze continue, latest ones concerning cabinet minister Jonathan Altken. Guardian admits it sent forged fax to Paris hotel to get copy of Mr Attken's bill. (Keith Chalkley) GAMBLING - new lottery game Keno starts today, and country's first casino opens in CH on Friday. Maurice Horner, internal Affairs, says dept to keep eye on effects. (Karlum Lattimore) AFEARS OF INFLATION causing economy to over-heart are unfounded, according to National Bank economist Dr Arthur Grimes, says economic growth can be continue at rate quicker than previously expected. SUPERGRANS being launched in Hutt Valley to help low income families. Mature Employment Support group comes up with initiative where mature, unemployed women will pass on household knowledge to people struggling to make ends meet. Comment from co-ordinator Erin McMenamin. (Leigh Parker)
0830 NEWS/SPORT HANDS ON THE FREEZER competition in Nelson still going, with 2 people clinging on since last Thursday (27th) in hope of winning $13,000 worth of electrical applianced and year's free electricity. Live i/v with contestants Renee Hylkema and Gall Granger. FAMILY FRIENDLY PRACTICES - 55 companies from public and private sectors embark on illegible project aimed at developing such practices. Workshops being held where organisations will identity family needs of employees and develop initiatives which are relevant to both company and workers. Live i/v with director of Australia -based Families at work consultancy, Karen Fisher, who's helping run first series of workshops. HOUSING - PM Bolger says first priority will be given to initiatives before next Budget. Gisborne one area suffering from shortage of houses. Chairperson of Gisborne's Housing Advisory Group, Nan Evans, has some definite ideas where govt should be spending money - she's i/ved live. COMMENT EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER Sir Leon Brittan loses bid to keep prized job of negotiationg EU's expansion eastwards, but retains responsibility for relations with NZ and major Asian economies, industrialised nations, and new World Trade Organisation. Live i/v with Brussels correspondent John Fraser.