Morning report. 1994-11-03

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Broadcast Date
03 Nov 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin
0700 NEWS AVIATION ROW - Transport ministers agree to meet next week, but have only agreed to talk about their differences rather than make progress on central illegible Australian Transport minister Laurie Brereton and NZ minister Maurice Williamson. (Janice Rodenburg) AVIATION ROW - Live i/v with Transport reporter Lualemana Tino Pereira. AVIATION ROW - govt urged by Seafarers' Union president Dave Morgan to drop legislation opening up coastal shipping in light of aviation row. (Leigh Parker) PRIVACY - mother of young AK rape victim says privacy shattered by TV reports. Family claims news items identified name of street they live in and showed their house. (Clare Pasley) JUSTICE DEPT to undergo massive restructuring, expected to separate courts from dept. Justice dept employs almost 9,000 staff and it's understood there will be some redundancies, mainly in middle management. (Karlum Lattimore) EAST TIMOR - NZ parliamentary delegation ends investigations into human rights and political situation in territory. Live i/v with Jonathan Schwass, RNZ reporter who accompanied delegation. SAMOAN OVERSTAYER facing deportation not holding out great hopes her 3 NZ born children could be her passport to citizenship. Immigration Service has announced new procedure to take into account NZ born children when making decisions on overstayers. AK woman, Upu, fearful birth of 3rd child still won't illegible to prevent family being sent to Samoa. (Karlum Lattimore)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT PRIME MINISTER JIM BOLGER i/ved live about trans Tasman aviation row, opinion polls, etc. ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER BRITISH POLITICS "sleaze" allegations extend to NZ born minister Sir Paul Beresford - targeted by "Guardian" newspaper for running dentistry practice as well as being govt's Junior Housing minister. Sir Paul i/ved live. CASINO - NZ' a first casino officially opens in CH tomorrow. (Paula Penfold) TELECOM expected to announce profit of close to $300m for half year to end of September, of around $250m at same time last year. Comment from C S First Boston equities analyst Guy Hallwright. (David Hargreaves) SCHOOL BULLYING - Tony Kwak, father of boy bashed at Kamo High School, says he'll remove his son from school if attacker allowed to stay, says other parents have told him attacker comes from violent home and has hurt and threatened other students. (Lois Williams) SCHOOL BULLYING - CH school at centre of bullying complaints, ST Andrews, confirms 4 cases in past 2 years. Head of senior college, Laraine Sharr, says in all incidents the culprits were either suspended or expelled. (Paula Penfold) ANTARCTIC SCENIC FLIGHTS to resume next year by Qantas, first since Air NZ crash on Mt Erebus in 1979. Qantas head of Boeing 747 operations, Trevor Jensen, says safety factors for flight include strict limits on altitudes and 4 navigation systems. (Karlum Lattimore) GLUEPOT TAVERN - last minute bid to save AK tavern fails. Historic Places Trust decides against granting interim registration. (Clare Pasley) MāORI ACTIVIST GROUP Te Ahi Kaa, calls for destrution of other monuments following attempt to cut down lone pine on One Tree Hill in AK. WN activist Ken Mair says any monuments symbolising oppression of Māori should be removed. He's i/ved live.
0830 NEWS/SPORT MYSTERY DISAPPEARANCE of AK man Stephen Paul Bunyan in Tokoroa could be result of drug deal gone sour. Live i/v with Police Snr Sgt Paul Vlaanderen. TRANSPOWER PLAN to set up security patrol along Cook Strait power cable welcomed by fishing industru which feels it's become scapegoat for damage to cable. Comment from Transpower's Robert Thompson and chief exec of Fedn of Commercial Fishermen, Tony Craig. (Stephen Hewson) CONSUMER AFFAIRS MINISTRY reveals consumers being short-changed by million of dollars annually through underweight and undermeasured goods. Retails and Wholesale Merchants Assn alarmed at extent of problem while Consumers Inst pleased rip-offs being picked up but disappointed consumers still losing out. (Corinne Ambler) BRITISH ELECTORAL BATTLES could involve NZ as parties court expatriate vote. (Keith Chalkley) COMMENT ALCOHOL ABUSE by Māori targeted by Alcohol Advisory Council, with setting up of new Māori unit. Comment from Margaret Manula-Sullivan, ALAC's director of Māori programmes. (Leigh Parker) KOREA - Geoff Robinson reports on events reported in Korean papers. FRUIT AND VEG report with Jack Forsythe.