Morning report. 1994-11-08

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Broadcast Date
08 Nov 1994
RNZ Collection

600 News/Sport 615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ: See Rural Report Rundown 630 News/Weather/Māori News 640 Report from our Mana News team 645 Pacific Regional News: Ex RNZ International 650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin 700 NEWS STORM hits lower North Island and other parts of country. Adam Hollingworth report live on damage and difficulties in WN area. STORM - senior WN firefighter Noel Coard describes conditions for those illegible rooves in WN last night. (Mary Tait) STORM - family in WN suburb of Island Bay has kitchen and living room destroyed after roof from house across road crashes through side of their house. (Mary Tait) STORM - Hawkes Bay loses power in some areas and roads littered with debris. live i/v with Napier reporter Kate Rivett. STORM - about 22 trampers believed to be caught in Arthur's Pass region of Southern Alps. Search co-ordinator Peter Simpson says he has rough idea of illegible half of them are, there are 12 whose whereabouts are unknown. He's i/ved live. BRIERLEY INVESTMENTS ends $250m buying spree in Wilson and Horton shares, just short of 30% it tried to buy. Now holds
00:28:8%. Live i/v with Wilson and Horton managing director Michael Horton. illegible AND GROWERS also having problems with shares being "raided", by Sir Ron Brierley's Guinness Peat Group. Turners also having internal problems. Comment from chair Cliff Lyons. (David Hargreaves) WHAKATANE CHE flies in more Australian doctors to fill in for junior doctors who've now been on strike for 5 days over breakdown in employment contract talks. Live i/v with Mike Allen, editor of "Whakatane Beacon", who's been following dispute. WHAKATANE STRIKE - Australian doctors told to think carefully about stepping in to replace striking doctors. Australian Medical Assn president, Dr Brendan Nelson, says he hopes they realise implications of their involvement. (Stephen Parker)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT AIR NZ/ENGINEERS row settlement delayed by inter-union row. Most of maintenance engineers who belong to Engineers' Union have accepted revised pay offer but those belonging to Aviation Technicians Assn divided about whether to agree to deal. (Mark Torley) MāORI ELECTORAL OPTION - Court of Appeal in second day of hearing appeal against High Court decision to reject Māori challenge to legality of option. (Merle Nowland) COOK ISLANDS TAX DEALS - Commission of Inquiry hears evidence today from Inland Revenue Dept about how it examined "winebox" of papers. Martin Gibson reports live. ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER STORM - Met Office forecaster Augie Auer says storm affecting southern hemisphere has some interesting characteristics. He's i/ved live. STORM means rough landings for passengers on several fights into WN. Reporter Leigh Parker on flight from AK that had to return there. She says flight was frightening experience. PARLIAMENT - MPs back in House for what promises to be busy final session before long Christmas adjournment. What's planned for this session? Live i/v with Labour Whip Jonathan Hunt and National Whip Roger Sowry. illegible TRANSPORT BILL - major NZ shipping company says govt risks humiliation from Australia if it proceeds with Bill. South Pacific Shipping Co managing director Ross Fast says NZ already embarrassed over aviation deal and same thing will happen if Bill becomes law. (Mark Torley) OVERSEAS INVESTMENT - Reserve Bank governor Don Brash tells Sydney audience that despite strong growth in NZ economy, there's no sign of strong wage Growth. Bancorp associate director Peter Cavanaugh says such comments likely to incourage overseas investors. (David Hargreaves) SHAKATANE DOCTORS' STRIKE - live i/v with Dr Mark Adams, president of Resident Sectors' Assn. REGIONAL NEWS KIM HILL PREVIEW
0830 NEWS/SPORT AUSTRALIA - wild weather causes homes to be demolished, plane to flip upside down, and worsens bushfires. (Phil Kafcaloudes) illegible NEW ZEALAND - Labour's Michael Cullen suggests its constitution fails to illegible democratic test required under new Electoral Act. Electoral Commissioner Dr Paul Harris will decide on that - he's i/ved live. illegible PEOPLE - ACC holds workshop in AK for employers in drive to get disabled people back into workforce. Workshop led by 3 US practitioners in field of employment strategies for disabled people. Live i/v with one of them, David Shrey. COMMENT ITALY - some of worst flooding this century leaves at least 60 people feared illegible and caused widespread damage in northwest of country. Live i/v with correspondent Frances Kennedy.