Morning report. 1994-11-10

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Broadcast Date
10 Nov 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport 615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ: See Rural Report Rundown 630 News/Weather/Māori News 640 Report from our Mana News team 645 Pacific Regional News: Ex RNZ International 650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin illegible NEWS illegible ELECTIONS - President Clinton and Republican leaders talking forging illegible approach in wake of stunning election results that ended decades of democratic control of Congress. I/v with Washington correspondent Connie Lawn illegible the results. SELECTIONS - live i/v with New York correspondent Judy Lessing about the implications of the results. SELECTIONS - American Chamber of Commerce in NZ president Paul Norling says illegible not surprising and he doesn't expect Republican victory to have adverse effect on NZ's trading relationship with US. (Stephen Parker) TERTIARY FUNDING - Students associations say $13million boost to provide more places not as good as it may sound as number of polytechnics will have funding of because of falling enrolments. Comment from Jason Hemopo, Aptearoa Polytechnic Student Union president, Jeremy Baker of the University Students Association, and Jim Doyle, exec director of Polytechnic Assn, (Mary Tait) TERTIARY FUNDING - live i/v with Education minister Lockwood Smith DISABLING SPRAYS - issue of whether they should be legalised surfaces again after robber uses mace - like spray in AK bank. Comment from MP Joy McLaughlin no wants some types of sprays legalised. (Mary Tait) DISABLING SPRAYS - live i/v with self defence tutor Barbara Henry who supports their use.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT AVIATION ROW - Transport minister Maurice Williamson in Canberra for second illegible meeting this week with Australian govt over single aviation market. illegible Tino Pereira) COMPUTER COMPANY GCS sold to giant US company EDS. Sale completes year of growth for EDS in NZ and establishes it as formidable force in information and technology industry here. Comment from computer expert Jim Higgins. (David illegible) COMPUTER COMPANY - live i/v Mike Butcher, vice-chair of EDS New Zealand. ASPAC/PAPERS 800 NEWS/WEATHER COOK ISLANDS TAX inquiry could end up in courts if commission head Sir Roland illegible decides to break secrecy surrounding tax details contained in "wine illegible" Comment from Euro Pacific lawyer Richard Craddock, Fay Richwhite lawyer Ferard Curry, Sir Ronald Davison, Winston Peters, and commission QC Colin illegible. (Martin Gibson) COOK ISLANDS TAX inquiry - live i/v with winston Peters, who raised issues illegible in inquiry, about the secrecy issue. illegible POST expected to back down over rural mail delivery fee after long battle with customers and politicians and announce it's scrapping the fee. Comment from MPs Jim Sutton and Nick Smith. (Kathryn Street) BRIERLEY INVESTMENTS chair Bob Matthews urges shareholders not to elect WN teacher Joanne Copland to board of directors, but Ms Copland says she'll be fighting on to get elected. (David Hargreaves) PRIVATE PRISONS - govt uses support from newly independent MP Peter Dunne to push through Penal Institutions Amdt Bill allowing prisons to be run by private companies. Comment from MPs Phil Goff and Alec Neill. (Janice Rodenburg) PRIVATE PRISONS - live i/v with Canty Univ sociologist and former prison inmate illegible Newbold. REDUNDANCY - govt rejects call from employment law expert Christine French for illegible Act to clear up confusion after courts rule redundancy may be payable even illegible there is no redundancy agreement. Comment also from Labour minister Doug illegible. (Mark Torley)
0830 NEWS/SPORT ASIA PACIFIC ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION meeting opens in Indonesia tomorrow. Foreign minister Don McKinnon and Trade minister Philip Burdon and PM Jim Bolger attending, will push for removal of trade barriers within APEC. (Janice Rodenburg) POWER COMPANIES struggle between AK's Power New Zealand and Mercury Energy is picking up speed, with Power NZ finally making firm statement recommending illegible shareholders to hold on to their shares rather than sell them to illegible. (Eileen Cameron) MāORI ELECTORAL OPTION - Solicitor General John McGrath tells Court of Appeal significant transfer of voters from General to Māori rolls could have domino effect on many parliamentary seats and require re-drawing of boundaries. (Merle illegible) GENETICALLY ENGINEERED VACCINES - new generation on way and likely to replace traditional ones, be cheaper to produce and safer to use. Scientists meeting at WHO in Geneva say there's need to overcome public suspicion about genetically engineered products to make most of their opportunities. Live i/v with Dr illegible Torrigiani, director of Div of Communicable Diseases at WHO. ART AUCTION in AK tonight will see some of NZ's most significant works go under the hammer. (Eileen Cameron) ART AUCTION - live i/v with Peter Webb, whose gallery has organised the auction. COMMENT FRUIT AND VEG report with Jack Forsythe.