Morning report. 1994-11-15

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Broadcast Date
15 Nov 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin
0700 NEWS illegible TIMOR - group of East Timorese students enters third day of sit-in at US embassy in Jakarta, saying they'll seek asylum in Portugal if demands not met. Demands include release of more than 100 East Timorese arrested in Jakarta and illegible over past few days. Press Attache at US embassy asked how long embassy rewared to let students stay. EAST TIMOR protest coincides with APEC summit in Jakarta. I/v with political reporter Janice Rodenburg about attitude of Indonesians and other APEC leaders to protest. (Mng Rpt) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - fate to be decided by courts. Fay Richwhite lawyer illegible Curry announces intention to seek legal redress after Sir Ronald Davison rules in favour of all evidence to inquiry being given in public. (Martin Gibson) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - live i/v with Coopers and Lybrand tax partner, John illegible, about implications of decision. BOSNIAN SERB FORCES press ahead with fierce counter-attack on Muslim enclave and designated safe area of Bihac. UN peacekeepers say they won't intervene. UN security Cl. meets in emergency session and condemns latest fighting around Bihac, expressing particular concern over role of Croatian Serbs. Live i/v with Bosnian ambassador to UN< Muhammed Sacirby.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT SOUTH LAW expert Carol Parker says there's no need to change law to allow children under 14 to be prosecuted for serious crimes such as rape and arson. (Karlum Lattimore) SOUTH LAW - Social Welfare minister Peter Gresham believes current methods of realing with young offenders work are adequate. He's i/ved live. ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER AIR NZ annual general meeting becomes public relations exercise setback for board as shareholders accuse it of conducting sham, critical of way Brierley cominated board treated bid by former chief exec Jim Scott for directorship. Comment from board chair Bob Matthew. (Lualemana Tino Pereira) AIR NZ - live i/v with unsuccessful board nominee, and former Air NZ chief exec, Jim Scott. ARMED ROBBER IN AK walks away from bank hold-up with just $00:05:00 after teller refuses to believe gun was real. Live i/v with Det Snr Sgt Phil Jones. MONEY LAUNDERING - NZ police preparing for introduction of legislation, 6 years after govt signed UN convention agreeing to do so. Officer in charge of National Proceeds of Crime Bureau, Det Insp Colin Lines, says police already save evidence of drug money being laundered through NZ> (Karlum Lattimore) SOFTWARE PIRACY - seizure of substantial amount of illegally copied computer software in AK prompts warning about piracy from Business Software Alliance of NZ. Comment from exec director Brent Porter. (Leigh-Anne Wiig) RENTAL CAR INDUSTRY under spotlight with Land Transport Safety Authority investigating Consumers Inst report that some hired vehicles are unsafe. Rental Vehicle Assn and tourism groups also getting complaints about hred cars from overseas visitors. Comment from David Russell of Consumers Inst., Brian Baite of Hertz, and Andrew Justice, Land Transport Safety Authority. (Mary Tait)
0830 NEWS/SPORT SRI LANKA now has mother and daughter team as premier and head of state after last week's victory by ruling Peoples' Alliance in presidential election. illegible Bandaranaike now prime minister again and her daughter Chandrika Rumaratunga is president. Live i/v with Dr James Manor, dir of Inst of Commonwealth Studies at Univ of London about this political family which now includes 3 prime ministers and a president. PASSENGER RIGHTS CAMPAIGN launched by Land Transport Safety Authority, aimed at taxis and other forms of transport. Authority's survey of 504 taxi users finds nearly 70% had felt unsafe with way taxi driven, with taxi itself, or with driver. Comment from Authority's Alan Woodside. (Claire O'Brien) CANCER - Public Health Commission study fnds thousands of NZers could be at risk if they eat burnt meat. Comment from Commission's Donnell Alexander and Cancer Society's Helen Glasgow. (Stephen Hewson) TUBERCULOSIS - fresh debate over treatment. Public health specialist Dr Lester Calder says NZ not doing enough to halt spread of disease and is also critical of South AK's Middlemore Hospital. (Clare Pasley) COMMENT FRANCE - resignation of another scandal-tainted cabinet minister Michel Roussin and fierce political feuding plunge Right into deep disarray ahead of 1995 presidential polls. Live i/v with Paris correspondent Lynne Terry.