Morning report. 1994-11-18

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Broadcast Date
18 Nov 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS illegible NEW ZEALAND to charge full market rental next July for all houses and ill help predicted 7,000 tenants unable to afford new rents to move into heaper housing. Housing minister Murray McCully i/ved live. illegible OFFICE - MCCallum report tabled in Parliament, revealing former Auditor general Jeff Chapman ran up almost $157,000 of personal debt in his 2 year ehure. Comment from acting Auditor General Wayne Cameron and Bill Falconer, hair of ACC, Mr Chapman's former employer. (Leigh-Anne Wiig) CHILD SUPPORT - govt working party recommends making law tougher on liable arents, after finding 17,500 liable parents have not paid child support while about 60% of parents pay only $10 a week, minimum amount charged. (Anna Hughes) CHILD SUPPORT recommendations unlikely to please at least one group concerned about regime, Families Apart require equality. Live i/v with spokesperson Bruce Richbon. PRIERLEY INVESTMENTS - no news yet on whether WN teacher Joanne Copland succeeded in bid for election to board, Bid prompted lively debate at AGM and directors criticised by shareholders for performance of company and attitude owards MS Copland standing for board. Live i/v with Business reporter David argreaves.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT IRELAND - Prime Minister Albert Reynolds resigns before no-confidence vote taken, won't seek general election. British officials say govt collapse won't affect Anglo-Irish peace process but privately say it might slow pace a little. illegible with Mark O'Connell, Sunday Business Post political correspondent, about that's likely to happen now. IRELAND - British govt keeping close eye on developments. (Keith Chalkley) COOK STRAIT FERRIES - Maritime Safety Authority says it'll keep high level of igilance over NZ Rail's 24 hour service until it's convinced proven and acceptable standards of safety are being maintained. Authority seeking full explanation from NZR about incident when officer asked to be relieved from duty. (Lualemana Tino Pereira) DUNG OFFENDERS - father of 6 year old raped at school by 13 year old calls for special jails for young offenders who commit serious crimes, says the boy has taken daughter's childhood, given her venereal disease and scarred her emotionally for life. Boy now in custody of a Social Welfare trust. (Lois Williams) ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Serious Fraud Office director Charles Sturt tells inquiry his office found no tangible evidence of dishonesty in "Winebox" papers". (Martin Gibson) POSTAL INDUSTRY - govt plans to deregulate seems to have caught NZ Post competitors unawares. Comment from Barry Alleway of Circular Distributors. (Stephen Hewson) PRIME MINISTER Jim Bolger ends state visit to Thailand with meetings with King and prime minister. Earlier, visited remote north east where he was awarded with nonorary doctorate from univ set up with help of NZ aid funding. (Janice Rodenburg) HEPATITIS C - 2 years after large number of people infected with it from contaminated blood, hundreds of those affected still fighting for compensation govt promised at the time. Group representing them to meet ACC minister Bruce illegible today in last diton effort to sort out compensation before preparing to go to court over issue. Comment from spokesperson Mary Hancock. (Corinne Ambler) REGIONAL NEWS GERMANY - Chancellor Helmut Kohl begins last 4 years in office with promises to reform Germany but only hints as to how he will achieve it, names cabinet almost unchanged from last govt. Live i/v with correspondent John Walker. IRELAND - Prime Minister Albert Reynolds says he's resigning in interests of stability and to ensure Northern Ireland peace process. What's he like as a person? I/v with Mark O'Connell, political correspondent for Sunday Business Post in Dublin. KIM HILL PREVIEW
0830 NEWS/SPORT PEACEKEEPING - NZ's work to get international convention on safety of all who work with peacekeeping operations in field passes through UN legal committee and only weeks away from being ready to sign. (Judy Lessing) illegible FLOWER SHOW - live i/v with marketing manager Annemarie Yannaghas about problems of people with heat exhaustion and unmanageable crowds. WORLD ROSE CONVENTION (10th) opens in CH today, expected to attract up to 100,000 rose lovers over next 4 days. Live i/v with convenor Lois Tabb. COMMENT BRITAIN - Prime Minister John Major's threat to call early election if Tory illegible MPs don't support Bill to increase Britain's contributions to European union seems to fall on deaf ears. (Keith Chalkley) OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Sandra Fabretti about week's events across the Tasman.