Morning report. 1994-12-19

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Broadcast Date
19 Dec 1994
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS illegible of migrants possible. Case of Kenyan Peter Mwai, who's been found illegible of unprotected say with several women while HIV positive, throws issue into foods. Live i/v with immigration minister Roger Maxwell. illegible CARTER, former US president arrives in Bosnia on free-lance peace union at invitation of Bosnian serb leader Radovan Karadzic. Belgrade correspondent Dusko Doder says visit may be beginning of diplomatic solution to illegible illegible WN OFFICE facing claims of cruelty, AGM nears animals have been mistreated, staff are disgruntled and funds may not have been spent wisely. Leign-Anne wiig) PCA's WN OFFICE - live i/v with vice chair of organisation, John Strahl. ASSIA - Chechen leader Dzncknar Dudayev says he's prepared to meet every from resident reltsin to discuss ending fighting, Conflicting reports of about situation in Chechnya capital Grozny and intentions of Russian troops. illegible Ghandian Moscow correspondent. James Meek. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Fay Richwhite's challenge over taxpayer confidentiality goes before court of Appeal today. Fay Richwhite, and other corporates names in "winebox papers", appealing against ruling by Commission of inquiry ahead sir Ronald Davison that their tax affairs be heard in public. (Martin Gibson) TARIFFS - govt announcement will bull tariffs down to 5% or less on most goods illegible of centre, with higher rates on items such as textiles, apparel illegible and automotive products. ManFed concedes trend to lower tariffs probably unstoppable but says if industrialists prepared to do their bit to take economy more efficient, so should the govt. Live i/v with ManFed president illegible Martin. ADMAS MURDER CASE - depositions hearing into double murder begins in WN today with businessman John Barlow charged. (Stephen Parker) ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER PUBLIC HEALTH COMMISSION - National Heart Fndn medical director Dr. Boyd winburne says govt decision to axe Commission is retrograde step, and expert device it's given govt is obviously too unpalatable. Dr Swinburne i/ved live. PUBLIC HEALTH COMMISSION - live i/v with prof David Skegg, who's resigned at main of the Commission. RIGGER BUDGET SURPLUSES than predicted expected in information on govt's financial position due out tomorrow. NZIER director John yeabsley says it's likely the surpluses will have any immediate impact on rising interest illegible Peter Fowler) illegible CLAIMS - a look at the govt's proposed fiscal envelope illegible Māori illegible and Alan Ward. prof of illegible, at NSW's illegible and historical consultant to waitangi Tribunal. (live) REGIONAL NEWS KIM HILL PREVIEW
0830 NEWS SPORT illegible - live i/v with commentator Peter Williams about charges against NZ illegible Ken Rutherford for "unsportsman like conduct" and Sri Lanka's illegible for dissent and findings of judicial committee. illegible, former National Party cabinet minister, dies. illegible. illegible CAMERAS - complaints about use of decoy vehicles in WN area, set up on the roads about 500 metres ahead of real camera to caton drivers illegible passing decoy. Live i/v with Asst Commissioner Phil Wright. illegible high in most parts of country, extreme along East illegible. Comment from National Rural Fire Officer Murray illegible. illegible TREES - stand discovered in NSW of trees considered extinct for illegible years. Live i/v with Ken Hill, illegible at Sydney illegible. COMMENT illegible ANGELES - illegible in case of hollywood madam illegible Fleiss, found illegible charges of illegible, expectd to illegible on whether jurors acted illegible discussed illegible case outside deliberation room. Live i/v with correspondent illegible.