Morning report. 1995-02-08

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Broadcast Date
08 Feb 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS WAITANGI DAY - in wake of demonstrations, some National Party MPs questionign whether govt should bother trying to settle treaty claims. Comment from John Carter, Paul East, Pauline Gardiner, Peter Hilt and PM Jim Bolger. (Anna Hughes) LABOUR PARTY holds first caucus meeting of year in DN to plan strategies for illegible. Party rules dictate MPs must address question of leadership. Comment from reader Helen Clark and deputy David Caygill. (Kathryn Street) WAITANGI DAY - Speaker of House Peter House to chair meeting of all parties to discuss future of Waitangi, says role of govt in celebrations needs to be decided. He's i/ved live. GREENPEACE claims several members beaten up by police as they tried to board Japanese whaling boat Toshi Maru off WN yesterday. Police deny allegations of violence. Live i/v with Richard Leney, one of those who tried to board the ship; live i/v with WN Central Control Inspector, John Bowman. ALLAN HAWKINS - Appeal Court joins Ohura Prison Board and High Court in rejecting request for parole. (Merle Nowland)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT FOODBANKS - Fair Deal Coalition says new Social Welfare Dept figures showing scale of foodbank use are worse than expected. Figures show estimated 365 foodbanks providing more than 40,000 food parcels to households every month. Comment from Chris Wood, Lower Hutt foodbank, and Fair Deal Coalition's Grant Gillon. (Stephen Ward); live i/v with Social Welfare minister Peter Gresham. ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER SOUTH AFRICA - legal inquiry finds Alan Boesak, former church leader and ANC official and ambassador-designate to UN in Geneva, unlawfully appropriated money given to his aid agency. I/v with correspondent Anthony Johnson. (Mng Rpt) LOG PRICES - Tasman Pulp and Paper may have retained right to buy Forestcorp logs at below market prices, following arbitration decision. Long dispute about prices finally resolved but neither side will talk about details. Way now clear for govt to sell Forestcorp. (Maria Slade) TEACHERS - predictions of critical shortage of teachers as end of decade approaches. Training institutions report having trouble filling all places available, and there's concern abut low numbers of men interested in teaching as career. Live i/v with VUW Dean of Education Faculty, Adrienne Alton-Lee. RENSHAW EDWARDS investors welcome Law Society plan to quickly settle admitted claims against fidelity fund following frauds by Upper Hutt lawyers. Comment from investor Mark Rammell and Law Society president Austin Forbes. (Stephen Ward) REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORT COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY hears formerly secret details of Inland Revenue Dept's investigation into companies named in so-called winebox of documents. Live i/v with reporter covering Inquiry, Martin Gibson. EARTHQUAKES - Firefighters back from studying Kobe earthquake say co-ordinating all public and private services is key to managing after-effects of disaster. Firefighters part of team put together by NZ National Society for Earthquake Engineering. Live i/v with Asst Commander Stu Rooney i/ved live. EARTHQUAKES - live i/v with Bill Robinson, whose earthquake-proofing invention is arousing Japanese interest. COMMENT IRELAND - 150th anniversary of the great potato famine and subsequent emigration of thousands of Irish people. Marking the anniversary, President Mary Robinson addresses the jouint Houses of Parliament. Live i/v with Mark O'Connell of Dublin's Sunday Business Post.