Morning report. 1995-03-01

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Broadcast Date
01 Mar 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our nana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS PRIMARY STRIKE - Primary school teachers take strike action over pay parity. Live i/v with Education reporter Adam Hollingworth. Live i/v's with Helen Duncan from the NZEI, Education Minister Lockwood Smith. BUSINESS - National bank economist Arthur Grimes comments on their latest business outlook which shows business confidence has taken its biggest dive since the recession of 1991. (Peter Fowler). SEASHUTTLE - Live i/v with Seafarers Union secretary Mike Williams about the future of the Sea Shuttle. EPSOM - A decision on whether Epson Normal Primary school will adopt its controverisal enrolement scheme is less than 24 hrs away. (Lydia Monin).
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS ASPAC/PAPERS FOOD STAMPS - The government is c onsidering giving beneficiaries food stamps instead of cash. Chief government whip John Carter comments. (Janice Rodenburg). TAX - New tax rules for foreign companies opearting in NZ. Coopers adn Lybrand Tax partner John Shewan comments. (Peter Fowler). CLARIFICATION - Morning report claifies the statements made by Keith Rankin and Wyatt Creech over benefit numbers. (Feslier). HUI - Live i/v with reporter Mark Torley on the six fiscal envelope hui being held north of Wanganui. CUSTODY - In Scotland eight children are returned to their parents after being held in custody for four years following an investigation into alledged "sa abuse". Live i/v with Glascow solicitor Paul Burns.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER WAITANGI - The future of Waitangi Day dominates the first sitting of Parliament. All four main political leaders comment. (Kathryn Street). REEVES - Live i/v with Sir Paul Reeves about his new job reviewing Fiji's constitution. SHIP - HMNZS Southland goes out of service. Cheif of Naval Staff Rear Admiral Jack Welch comments. (Leigh-Anne Wiig). HIJACK - Japanese tourist arrested trying to board a Air NZ flight while carrying stun gun, mace and knife. Live i/v with Auckland police chief Brion Duncan. PRISON - The Justice departments new home dention programne monitored by computers and probation officers. (Karlum Lattimore). SEA SHUTTLE - Live i/v with Captain Mike Price about the suitability of the Sea Shuttle ferry REGIONAL NEWS KIM HILL PREVIEW
0830 NEWS/SPORTS PENGUINS - Live i/v with DOC officer Bruce McKinlay about the fate of the surviving penguins in the fire ravaged santuary in Southland. SOUTH AFRICA MURDER - Live i/v with Johannesburg journalist Hopewell Radebe about the deported former South African policeman on trial for the murder of his first wife. SCAM - The Consumer's Institute warns of a newspaper ad scam which promises money. Consumer Institute Assistant Chief Executive Peter Sutton comments. (Corinee Ambler). COOKS - Live i/v with Cook Island journalist Barbara Dreaver on Sir Geoffery Henry's news conference on loans - re signed promisory notes. ELVIS - Live i/v with Finnish Professor Jukar Armond whos translated Elvis's nits into Latin and released them on CD. BOLGER - Live i/v with Anna Hughes updating Jim Bolgers speech on education. COMMENT CORRESPONDENT - Zimbabwe Correspondent - Chris Bishop.