Morning report. 1995-03-13

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Broadcast Date
13 Mar 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS WANGANUI - tension rising over Māori activist ocupation of Moutoa Gardens. with allegations of assault. Comment from Wanganui mayor Chas Poynter and Wanganui police. (Lisa Owen) WANGANUI - ratepayer and lawyer Stephen Taylor demanding council do more to inform people about what it intends to do about the occupation of the gardens. He's i/ved live. RENSHAW EDWARDS - disgraced lawyer Patrick Renshaw expected to be released from prison on Wednesday after serving less than 3 years of 7 year sentence for fraud, has agreed to attend meeting with creditors. Comment from creditors' spokesperson Mark Rammell. (Stephen Hewson) RENSHAW EDWARDS - how is Patrick Renshaw able to serve less than half sentence? Live i/v with VUW law professor Warren Young. MILITARY EXERCISE - 7 nation exercise, Kakadu, starting in Darwin today. what are NZ forces hoping to achieve by taking part along with Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Britain? Live i/v with military analyst Jim Rolfe. CROATIA - President Tudjman says govt has partly reversed policy over UN peace-keepers and UN troops can now stay with no deadline, pending changes; UN spokesperson in Zagreb, Michael Williams, heartened by change in policy.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS ECONOMY - signs of slowing down, which could affect Thursday's Reserve Bank statement about inflation prospects. Comment from John Cameron, managing director of JLW Advisory, Colin McInnes of Canty Chamber of Commerde, and Bruce Goldsworthy, AK Manufacturers Assn. (Bronwen Evans) WAITANGI CLAIMS - attempt to abandon 9th hui on fiscal envelope to be held in Hawkes Bay. Some member of Ngati Kahungunu say stress of preparing for such politically charge devent causing damaging tension within tribe. Follows Saturday's decision by Far North tribe to shut Treaty Negotiations minister Doug Graham out of hui, saying there was no point in discussing deal they'd already rejected. (Marie Hosking) WAITANGI CLAIMS - new hui chair given task of running Hawkes Bay hui at Omanu marae is Ranui Toatoa. He's i/ved about the concern of flying Union Jack marae. (Mng Rpt) ASPAC/PAPERS
0800 NEWS/WEATHER RECOVERED MEMORY in sex abuse cases. Several AK lawyers call for 10 year time limit after which most cases could no longer be heard. Follows successful defence of Akman against charges from his 18 year old daughter's claims be's raped her 3 times a week since primary school. CH psychiatrist Dr Karen Zelas opposes time limit, saying it would harm many sex crime victims. (Fiona Mayo) RECOVERED MEMORY - live i/v with AK defence lawyer, Peter Williams illegible RECOVERED MEMORY - live i/v with Justice minister Doug illegible WAITANGI CLAIMS - live i/v with Nga Puni hui chairperson Kingi Taunua about move to exclude Treaty Negotiations minister Doug Graham from Far North illegible fiscal envelope. UN SUMMIT ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT - correspondent Wayne Brittenden i/ved live on the Copenhagen meeting. WESTERN SAMOA - thousands of people march in Apia to protest over govt's handling of economy. Protest organised by high ranking group of traditional chiefs, known as Tumua and Pule, want recently introduced goods and services tax repealed and govt corruption wiped out. Live i/v with Tumua and Rule chairperson Faamatuainu Mailei. KIM HILL PREVIEW REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ECONOMICS CONFERENCE organised by British-based Economist Group gets underway in WN today, involving political leaders as well as some of NZ's top business people. Live i/v with Asia/Pacific president of Economist Group, Derek Smith. AUCKLAND WARRIORS - concerns raised about methods used to promote game against Brisbane Broncos. International Catholic orgn, Pax Christi, objects to mock battle scene including gun fights, burning bodies, and flamethrowers used as pre-match entertainment. Comment from Pax Christi spokesperson Joyce Brown and Warriors chief exec Ian Robson. (Lydia Monin) KNIGHTHOOD - 2 British tabloids say South African president Nelson Mandela will not receive honorary knighthood from Queen when she visits republic next week, because of fears that estranged wife Winnie Mandela will use title of Lady Mandela. (Keith Chalkley) 24 HOUR NOVEL WRITING RACE underway in Britain again, with 60 authors taking part. Live i/v with organiser Roland Morgan. COMMENT INDIA - for first time since independence nearly 50 years ago, a Muslim has been appointed to senior post of Foreign Secretary. I/v with Delhi correspondent Ranjan Gupta about significance of appointment. (Mng Rpt)