Morning report. 1995-03-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Mar 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS JAPANESE POLICE hunting organised terrorist group responsible for poisoned gas attack on Tokyo subway which killed 6 people and made 3,200 ill. (John Shovelin) PRIMARY TEACHERS' UNION hopeful of progress in contract dispute after meeting between education groups and cabinet ministers. Live i/v with NZEI president Helen Duncan. SOMALI REFUGEES - two reunited with sons after months of separation but Refugee and Migrant Service says there are another 160 children left behind in Somalia waiting to come to NZ. Service cncerned separations may become permanent when refugee camps dispersed at end of month. Live i/v with Immigration minister Roger Maxwell re bureaucratic and financial hurdles in getting children to NZ. SOMALI REFUGEES - live i/v with Peter Cotton, Refugee and Migrant Service. AK IRONMAN AWARDS controversy over decision to offer equal prize money to male and female winners. Triathlete champion and 4-times winner of Iron man championship Erin Baker negotiated with race chairperson Paul Gleeson to offer equal money but the incentive failed to attract top sportswomen to event. Paul Gleeson and Erin Baker i/ved live.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT PM JIM BOLGER prepares for visit to Washington and official rapprochement with US. (Karen Fisher) AUSTRALIAN MONEY MARKETS hopeful Australian dollar with stabilise today following yesterday's slump. US report forecasts dollar will fall to US71 cents within 6 months because of investor concerns about Australia's large current illegible deficit and assumption federal govt will not cut budgget hard enough. Live i/v with Canberra correspondent Pru Goward. THREE NZ PILOTS - Mike Alsop, Alistair Mcewen and Mark Roberts - safe aboard merchant ship Columbus Canada after having to ditch aircraft in darkness in ocean 160 miles off Hawaii. Live i/v with Mike Alsop. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER JUSTICE - Tauranga District Court judge Richard Kearney believes rights of accused given too much weight in system, believes right to silence frustrates court's ability to get at the truth. He's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) JUSTICE - Judge Kearney's views supported by Police Assn. Assn believes many criminals avoiding prosecution because of right to remain silent during police questioning, but Council for Civil Liberties sees no need to change the protection. Comment from Police Assn's Graeme Harding and Nat Dunning of Civil Liberties. (Stephen Parker) MAUI POMARE dies aged 54, grandson of Sir Maui Pomare and known for his work in preserving Māori heritage, including recovery of taonga from overseas. Cliff Whiting, artist and director of Māori and bi-cultural development at Te Papa Tongarewa, i/ved about Maui Pomare's work. (Mng Rpt) WANGANUI - Māori response to council plan to end occupation of Moutoa gardens appears to rule out any settlement with District Council. Comment from Māori lawyer Moana Jackson. (Peter Fowler) NISSAN withdraws sponsorship of WN's annual waterfront car race, leaving promoters with 8 months to find replacement. Live i/v with Andrew Maher of Promo Marketing which organises race and Kerry Prendergast, chair of WN City Council City Promotion and Development committee. REGIONAL NEWS KIM HILL PREVIEW
0830 NEWS/SPORTS LAW SOCIETY decision to sue accountancy firm responsible for audit of Renshaw Edwards law firm raises questions about how much auditors should be liable for lost funds. Live i/v with John Hagen, Society of Accountants. RADIO NEW ZEALAND - govt urgd to move quickly to sell commercial stations. RNZ chief exec Nigel Milan tells state enterprises select committee govt must decide whether it's prepared to invest in new technology or sell stations so new owner can do that. Comment also from committee members John Robertson and Graham Kelly. (Janice Rodenburg) SCHOOL TRUSTEES - at least 6 schools have failed to ggain enough nominations to hold elections and face prospect of being run by commissioner. Timaru Girls' high School is one of them, as is Titahi Bay North primary school. Comment from Titahi Bay principal Kevin McCabe, and Kathy Philips of Education ministry. (leigh-Anne Wiig) CHRISTIAN THEOLOGIAN Michael Novak, who endorses market economy, in NZ as guest of Centre for Independent Studies. He's i/ved about why he promotes business as crucial part of Christian world. (Mng Rpt) COMMENT QUEEN ELIZABETH making first visit to South Africa in 48 years. Live i/v with correspondent Anthony Johnson.