Morning report. 1995-04-13

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Broadcast Date
13 Apr 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS JUSTICE - dropping of 3 rape charges against Tauranga man because of unacceptable delays in bringing him to trial first case of its kind in NZ. (Corinne Ambler); live i/v with Attorney General Paul East. MARK DONOVAN MURDER TRIAL - first to be televised in NZ ends with jury finding illegible Carter guilty. Comment from Det Aaron Proctor. (Eileen Cameron); live i/v with AK Univ senior law lecturer Paul Rishworth; live i/v with Carl Carter's lawyer, Barry Hart. OCCUPATIONAL OVER-USE SYNDROME - landmark court decision expected to lead to more awareness of problem and more preventative action in workplace. Comment from OOS sufferer Rachel Carde. (Mark Torley); live i/v with eputy chief exec of Employers' Fedn., Anne Knowles.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS QANTAS withdraws proposed contract for NZ workforce after Australian Colleagues threaten to strike over Easter. (Zandra Sharpe); live i/v with Peter Murphy, Service Workers' Union. SOUTH AFRICA - Winnie Mandela gets her job back as deputy minister in govt. Former husband President Nelson Mandela had sacked her but apparently acted without full legal power. Live i/v with correspondent Anthony Johnston. ROTORUA - PM Bolger's intervention fails to move protestors from Māori Arts and Crafts Centre. Letter from Mr Bolger considered by protestors and Te Arawa elders. Comment from speaker of House Peter and Eastern Māori MP Peter Tapsell. (Stephen Ward) ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK conference to be held in AK next month with about 2,000 illegible attending, including central bank governors, ministers of finance, and business executives. Live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans. CARTER HOLT HARVEY - Business reporter David Jones i/ved live about rumours of Carter Holt Harvey takeover. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER SCHOOL REPORTS - automatic right of parents to see children's reports rejected in finding by Ombudsman's office. Live i/v with assistant ombudsman Susan Richards. SHORTLAND STREET - Christian Heritage Party leader Rev Graham Capill says given problems facing NZ families, party's criticisms of "Shortland Street" Should be listened to. (Mng Rpt); Sue Bagshaw, president of Assn for Adolescent Health and Development, disagrees with Christian Heritage Party stand. She's i/ved live; live i/v with teenager Rhiarn Phillips about "Shortland Street". COOK ISLANDSTAX INQUIRY - Cook Islands lawyer Tim Arnold says Cook Islands govt unlikely to co-operate with any approach from NZ forcing European Pacific to hand over documents sought by tax inquiry. (Lualemana Tino Pereira) SULTAN OF BRUNEI leaves NZ today, having proved elusive to all but select few. Live i/v with travel writer Nigel Coventry about the man and his country. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS TAMAKI GIRLS' COLLEGE - Glen Innes residents make clear their desire to regain control of former college at public meeting. Comment from James Lin, Chinese community, Alliance leader Sandra Lee, and John Grant. (Adam Gifford) TRANS TASMAN TRADE - mutual recognition agreement could boost earnings for companies on both sides of Tasman, according to visiting Australian trade minister Bob McMullan. (Bronwen Evans) CHINA - premier Li Peng moves to assure foreign powers that transition of power moving smoothly after death of Chen Yun, key member of old guard. I/v with correspondent Carrie Gracie. (Mng Rpt) COMMENT OZ SPOT - weekly live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes.