Morning report. 1995-04-24

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Broadcast Date
24 Apr 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS RWANDA - estimated 8,000 people die at refuigee camp at Kibeho when govt roops open fire, provoking stampede. Govt blames Hutu militiamen inside camp for starting the shooting. Since then, govt troops march tens of thousands of survivors out of camp under policy of emptyuing refugee settlements within Rwanda. (BBC); UN forces -UNIMIR-trying to provide assistance to survivors of maasacre. Comment from Capt Tim Isberg. (Mng Rpt) LAW SOCIETY wants to have fidelity fund abolished, lobbying govt to change law but Renshaw Edwards victims and Consumers Inst want fund to continue. Comment from victims' spokesperson Trevor Griffin and Consumers Inst head David Russell. (Leigh-Anne Wiig); live i/v with Justice minister Doug Graham. OKLAHOMA CITY - second suspect in bombing, David Iniguez, arrested in California. I/v with ABC's Rhonda Chapman about the death toll - standing now at 81 dead and 150 missing. (Mng Rpt) PREMATURE BABIES - Health minister Jenny Shipley says health system provides sufficient care for premature babies and their mothers, after investigation into reports that CH Women's Hospital's neo-natal unit was full over Easter and hospital faced having to send patients to Australia for care. Mrs Shipley i/ved live. FRANCE - presidential elections first round. Initial results point to surprise lead by Socialist candidate Lionel Jospin over Conservative Paris mayor Jacques Chirac and Conservative Prime Minister Edouard Balladur. Live i/v with correspondent Lynne Terry.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS illegible CUTS - Finance minister Bill Birch gives more details about proposed cuts, cells Young Nationals they would ber part of package of changes to way family incomes are structured which could bring changes to benefit system. (Janice Rodenburg) WANGANUI - Moutoa gardens dispute claims that Māori veterans' Anzac day celebrations hampered by continued occupation of site because gardens not available for Māori returned servicement to hold traditional ceremonies. Comment from protestors' spokesperson Ken Mair. (Mark Torley); live i/v with organiser of residents' march against the occupation of gardens, Brian Turner. INFLATION - Labour Party calls on govt to contract Statistics NZ to supply official underlying rate. Governor of Reserve Bank uses underlying inflation, which disregards factors such as interest rates and housr price movements, to determine whether he's meeting his
0-2% inflationary target. Finance spokesperson Michael Cullen says this threatens to undermine Bank's credibility. He's i/ved live. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CRIMINAL - one of Australia's most wanted criminals, NZ born Ian Saxon, to appear in US court on charges of importing drugs, money laundering and escaping custody. He's wanted in Australia in connection with importing of 10 tonnes of cannabis and laundering more than $80 million in drug profits. Comment from Barbara Sharp, Australian National Crime Authority. (Adam Hollingworth); US end of operation handled by FBI and Drug Enforcement Agency. I/v with special agent Jan Caldwell. (Mng Rpt) AUSTRALIA - career of Labour Party high-flier Carmen Lawrence looking shaky. Live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. SHOTS FIRED at commuter train during weekend as it headed north from WN towards Porirua. Comment from passenger Maxine Thompson. (Leigh-Anne Wiig) LAW SOCIEITY - live i/v with president Austin Forbes about why Society wants fidelity fund abolished. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS OKLAHOMA CITY - memorial service for victims of bombing. Live coverage of President Clinton's speech. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - NZ companies involved in inquiry reviewing their position following Sir Ronald Davison's demand the hand over information today. Comment from Don Christensen, KPMG Peat Marwick, and VUW public law specialist Andrew Ladley. (Maria Slade) RUGBY - good All Black performance results in 73=7 victory over Canada in first test of season. Live i/v with RNZ commentator Graeme Moody. AUTOMOBILE ASSN challenges Land Transport Safety Authority to make position clear on tinted windows after reports some Ak motorists being declined warrants because of visibility problems. Live i/v with AA spokesperson George Fairbairn. AUCKLAND HEALTHCARE nurses and midwives turn down employment contracts offer, say they aren't happy with pay or conditions offered and also unhappy with direction of health system in general. Comment from Ken johnson, Nurses' Orgn. (Paula Penfold) ASTHMA - Hamilton paediatrician Dr John Gillies expresses concern about diagnosis of asthma after seeing patients treated unnecessarily for condition. He's i/ved live. COMMENT RACE RELATIONS OFFICE investigating number of complaints about comments made by Chief Human Rights Commissioner Pamela Jefferies in article in Commission's newsletter "Tirohia". Comment from Race Relations Offie spokesperson Shane Cave. (Mark Torley) FRANCE - further live i/v with correspondent Lynne Terry.