Morning report. 1995-05-03

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Broadcast Date
03 May 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS CONSERVATION - 2 groups say closure of 21 DoC structures around country, in wake of Cave Creek tragedy, should make govt take long look at funding policies. Suggestions safety may have been casualty in DoC's struggle to cope with more visitors to conservation estate and less money. Comment from Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society conservation director kevin Smith and president of Federated Mountain Clubs, Hugh Barr. (Sally Dillon); live i/v with Conservation minister Dennis Marshall. BOSNIA - i/v with UN Protection Force spokesperson in Sarajevo, Alexander Ivanko, about atmosphere in city since ceasefire ended. (Mng Rpt) CROATIA - Serbs respond to Croatia's military strike against separatist Serb enclave with rocket attack on Zagreb. I/v with UNPROFOR spokesperson there, Christopher Gunnis. (Mng Rpt) SERBS - live i/v with Misha Gavrilovich, London-based Serbian Information Centre, about Serb view of events in Croatia and Bosnia.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS. ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK - protests set to continue as conference officially opens in AK this morning. Yesterday marked by angry scenes when protestors from ADB Action Coalition tried to break through police lines. Comment from Coalition spokesperson Sue Bradford and Police Supt Bryan Rowe. (Eileen Cameron) ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK - series of seminars held over last 2 days, including one promoting NZ as investment location. Live i/v with Economics correspondent illegible Evans who's attending the conference. PRIMARY HEALTH FUNDING - CTU releases report warning access to and cost of primary health services could be put at risk by latest govt initiatives which mean GPs will receive lump sum payment to provide services for patients rather than receiving fee for service subsidies. Live i/v with report co-author, PSA researcher Hugh Oliver; live i/v with Health minister Jenny Shipley. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER JIM ANDERTON reconsidering decision to step down from Parliament at next election following pressure from supporters. (Stephen Ward) U.N. SECRETARY GENERAL Boutros Boutros Ghali personally thanks NZ peacekeepers who've been serving in Bosnia, during visit to Linton Army camp. Comment also from Defence minister Warren Cooper and Col Martyn Dunn. (Stephen Parker) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Cook Islands PM Sir Geoffrey Henry says his govt prevented by Cooks' tax laws from forcing companies into revealing financial dealings and cannot agree to NZ request to force European Pacific to hand over papers to inquiry. (Bronwen Evans) COOK ISLANDS - PM Sir Geoffrey Henry dismisses earlier allegations about CIA attempts to overthrow his govt, had suggested TVNZ currrent afffairs programmes on his country was being funded by CIA. (Bronwen Evans) CANCER VACCINE - Univ of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins Univ reserachers say new, genetically engineered vaccine successfully tested on animals, preventing and shrinking tumours without aid of chemotherapy. Live i/v with study leader, Yvonne Paterson, professor of microbiology at Univ of Pennsylvania. TRAGEDY - VUW psychologist, Prof Tony Taylor, says there's danger people who lost family members in Cave Creek disaster will be smothered in unwanted attention. Also comment from lawyer Grant Cameron about cost and stress of possible legal action. (Peter Fowler) REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS OKLAHOMA CITY - FBI agents arrest 2 men as material witnesses to bombing. Live i/v with Greg Slavonic, reporter with tv station KFOR. FIRE SERVICE AUDIT of Hamilton's Empire Hotel fire in February suggest better organisationin fighting blaze might have saved more lives. 6 people died when fire gutted building. Live i/v with general manager of AK Fire Service, Robert Sampson. PACIFIC ISLAND COMMUNITY endorses Massey Univ study saying they're missing out on benefits of economic recovery. Comment from South AK community worker Ben Taufua, Major Campbell Roberts of Salvation Army, and Rev Maligi Evile. (Lualemana Tino Pereira) COMMENT SICILY - trial beginsof Mafia "boss of bosses", Salvatore Riina, asccuses dof murder in 1992 of leading anti-mob investigator Giovanni Falcone. Live i/v with Rome correspondent Frances Kennedy.