Morning report. 1995-05-09

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Broadcast Date
09 May 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS V E DAY - NZ celebrates 50th anniversary. Actuality of Hitler and Churchill. (Mng Rpt) PM BOLGER takes opportunity at V E Day celebrations in Paris to tell president illegible Chirac of NZ's concern about suggestions of renewed nuclear testing in South Pacific. Mr Bolger i/ved live. SERIAL RAPIST INQUIRY - police approaching people in public places who fit broad description of South AK rapist and asking them for blood samples. Comment from privacy expert John Edwards. (Corinne Ambler) RACE RELATIONS OFFICE - major shakeup could follow report on performance over past 3 years by Parliamentary Justice and Law Reform select committee. Comment from committee chair MP Alec Neill. (Mark Torley); i/v with Justice minister Doug Graham, whose portfolio includes the Office, about what he'll do in response to report. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS V E DAY - archive material of V E Day in NZ in 1945. (Mng Rpt) NZ PEACEKEEPING activities backed by majority of NZers according to UMR Insight poll. Comment from Defence secretary Gerald Hensley. (Stephen Parker) RACE RELATIONS - Māori self-determination group Tino Rangatiratanga blaming media for "turmoil" in race relations, says Māori getting tired of way media has been conditioning public opinion and shaping negative attitudes towards Māori since beginning of year. Comment from spokesperson Te Ururoa Flavell. (Adam Hollingworth) AIDS - Western Samoa criticised for attitued to people with Aids or are HIV positive. Reported that NZer ordered to leave country after confirming to authorities he has virus. Pacific Islands Aids Trust claims some Samoans being prevented from returning home. Trust spokesperson Fuima'ona Karl Pulotu-Endemann. (Leigh-Anne Wiig) V E DAY - celebrations in CH in 1945. (Mng Rpt) V E DAY - commemorations being held around country. (Ann Marie Cresswell) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES V E DAY - 1945 victory speech by then Governor General Air Marshall Newall. (Mng Rpt)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER AMERICAS CUP racing resumes in San Diego this morning. Live i/v with Bill Center, yachting correspondent for "San Diego Union Tribune". RACE RELATIONS - i/v with former conciliator Chris Laidlaw about report ciritical of the Office. (Mng Rpt) INFERTILITY SERVICES - North Health moves to contract out services to private operators, spelling end to 12 years of taxpayer-funded work at AK's Greenlane and National Women's Hospitals. Comment from Alistair Scott, Coalition for Public Health. (Alexia Russell); head of AK public hospital fertility clinic, Dr Guy Gudex, says decision to privatise service is devastating and valuable skills will be lost to public sector. He's i/ved live; live i/v with Mary-Anne Boyd, North Health's manager of medical and surgical services. ASHBURTON HOSPITAL - Canterbury Health and Southern RHA announce agreement reached that leaves hospital intact. Canterbury Health chief exec Ian Frame warns deal dependent on trimming $2 million from budget over next 2 years. He's i/ved live. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS BAIN MURDER TRIAL - 23 year old David Cullen Bain pleads not guilty to charges of murdering parents, sisters and brother last June. Live i/v with reporter Tracy Lyall who's covering the case. WN SCIENTIST Dr Graham Le Gros, Malaghan Institute, wins 5 year grant from Wellcome Trust to investigate how body's immune system fights off disease, hopes grant will help him find cure for cancer and vaccine for tuberculosis. He's i/ved live. COMMENT V E DAY celebrations in Paris, crowds kept at distance. Correspondent Lynne Terry explains why. (Mng Rpt) ISRAEL announces long list of gestures to make life easier in Gaza and West Bank in attempt to appease Palestinians angry over land confiscation in illegible. Live i/v with correspondent Asher Wallfish.