0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS RADIO NZ minister Bruce Cliffe introduces Bill to Parliament to sell RNZ's commercial stations. Comment from Broadcasting minister Maurice Williamson, Labour spokesperson Steve Maharey, Alliance leader Jim Anderton, NZ First leader Winston Peters, Christian Democrat leader Graham Lee and Future NZ leader Peter Dunne. (Janice Rodenburg); live i/v with RNZ minister Bruce Cliffe. GOVERNOR GENERAL - govt approaches former Business Roundtable chair Sir Ron Trotter to be next governor-general. (Karen Fisher) HOSPITALS - questions asked over latest cases of elderly people being asked to leave in middle of night. 3 more case in AK region have come to light. Comment from Helensville resident Margaret Harrison, Grey Power vice president Win Dalzell, and Robyn Northey of the RHA. (Paula Penfold) LAND - govt prepares to spend millions of dollars to buy up surplus crown land in areas where Māori have raupatu (confiscation) claims under Treaty of Waitangi. Move follows Waitangi Tribunal recommendation. Comment from Treaty Negotiations minister Doug Graham. (Anna Hughes) RUGBY WORLD CUP - live i/v with commentator Graham Moodie about the Tonga-Scotland game. Samoa achieves thrilling last minute victory against Argentina.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS EXTORTION CASE - British soldier Nicholas Brown, accused of trying to extort more than $6 million from businessman Alex van Heeren, returns to Ak to face charges. Comment from defence lawyer Michael Levitt. (Glenda Wakeham) SAILOR DISAPPEARS - 19 year old not aboard Waikato when it left Queensland port of Gladstone. Comment from Lt Cdr Gary Medcalf and Constable Mark Glover.(Glenda Wakeham) RADIO NEW ZEALAND - a look at reaction to legislation to sell off commercial stations. Comment from RNZ board chair Brian Kensington and private radio's Derek Lowe. (Mark Crysell); live i/v with RNZ chief exec Nigel Milan. EDUCATION - govt facing problems right across the sector. Early childhood workers critical of latest funding initiative, AK schools are complaining about teacher shortages, and VUW academic staff are striking today over pay rates. (Stephen Hewson); live i/v with Education minister Lockwood Smith.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES BUDGET PREVIEW - live i/v with NZ First leader Winston Peters on what he think should be in Budget. THOMAS MURDER TRIAL - court hears evidence from Thomas family members and from office administration manager Rosemary Latham, who testified accused John Barlow held superannuation scheme with Thomas' company and mortgage against the super. Live i/v with reporter Stephen Parker. WAGES -
00:00:2:5% emerging as going rate for pay increases in state sector, with at least 3 groups accepting such an increase or equivalent in cash and conditions I/v with PSA vice president Janet Brown. (Mng Rpt) PERU CUSTODY CASE - Australian Family Law Court to hear application toda under Hague Convention for return of 7 year old The Daughter to NZ. Live i/v with Sydney reporter Zandra Sharpe. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS RUGBY WORLD CUP - Western Samoa through to quarter-finals after beating Argentian 32-36 in thrilling finish to game. I/v with captain for day, Pat Lam about how confident team was going into match against Argentina. (Mng Rpt) BUDGET PREVIEW - community service groups believe Budget should provide some payback for the poor, govt should take care of social deficit as well as fisca deficit. Comment from Bonnie Robinson, Council of Christian Social Services, and Rev Charles Waldegrave, social policy consultant. (Leigh-Anne wiig) CHEESE - Americans don't like NZ cheese so Dairy Board is developing unique ne cheddar (very bland) to appeal to their taste. Live i/v with Board's manager of public affairs, Neville Martin. ANTARCTIC TREATY - 6 historic sites from Ross Dependency, associated with "Heroic Age" of Antarctic exploration, added to list of those specifically protected by Treaty. Live i/v with Antarctic historian and member of Antarctic Heritage Trust, David Harrowfield. COMMENT OKLAHOMA CITY - 3 more bodies recoverd from wreckage of building, bringing finaL death toll from terrorist attack to 168. Live i/v with Steve Johnson, Oklahoma City's Channel Four News.