Morning report. 1995-06-28

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Broadcast Date
28 Jun 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS LEADED PETROL to be phased out from end December and banned completely by end September 1996. Energy minister Doug Kidd says govt will lose $30 million a year in lead tax but willing to do that in interests of health. Comment also from AA secretary-general George Fairbairn, BP spokesman Nigel Morris. (Peter Fowler); live i/v with Doug Kidd N.Z. POST announcement of record profits and drop in price of sending letter refuels debate over whether it should be privatised. Comment from Ray Harding, WN Chamber of Commerce, and Dave Udy, Communications and Energy Workers' Union. (Adam Hollingworth); live i/v with NZ Post chief exec Elmar Toime. SOMALI REFUGEES - success for NZ rescue mission to Kenya to find around 200 children and some parents left behind when families came to NZ. Issue marred by claim and counter-claim since it began. Live i/v with Immigration minister Roger Maxwell. JAPAN/U.S TRADE - pressure mounts on Japan to make deal with US on car market before deadline passes and punitive sanctions come into play. I/v with Bill Glasgall, "Businessweek" writer. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS BALLAST WATER - Environment minister Simon Upton tells ballast symposium measures needed to protect NZ environment from contamination by dangerous organisms in ships' ballast water. He's i/ved live. TAX CUTS - Finance minister Bill Birch prepares basic shape of proposed tax cuts, to meet economic and financial experts in closed session to look at possible impact on inflation. (Anna Hughes) FISHERIES - Right of Centre (coalition partner)leader Ross Meurant at odds with Fisheries minister Doug Kidd over legislation providing for fish quota to be handed over to Māori in Treaty claims settlement. Comment from both. (Janice Rodenburg); live i/v with Fedn of Commercial Fishermen chief exec Tony Craig. NEW POLITICAL PARTY, United New Zealand, to be unveiled at news conference today by Labour frontbencher Clive Matthewson, will include National MPs. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER LABOUR LEADER HELEN CLARK returns from Australia in favour of its wages/salaries accord model of industrial relations, offers it as alternative to using Reserve Bank Act to control inflation. She's i/ved live. UNITED NATIONS - live i/v with Cdr of Joint Forces Australia, Lt Gen John Sanderson, about effectiveness of UN intervention in various parts of world. VOTE OF CONFIDENCE - govt comfortably wins series of votes, with support of Right of Centre, Christian Democrat and Future NZ MPs. Comment from Tau Henare NZ First, Clive Matthewson of Labour, and Christine Fletcher, National. (Janice Rodenburg) WESTERN SAMOA under international scrutiny with start of sedition trial of 2 traditional leaders who spoke out at protest last year. Live i/v with reporter Lualemana Tino Pereira. FIREFIGHTERS say they want police to investigate claims some of them have taken out "contract" on colleague Royd Kennedy. Mr Kennedy says contract's been put on him because he's against the union line on restructuring. In Parliament, Internal Affairs minister Warren Cooper is asked if Mr Kennedy being used by Fire Service Commission to split the union. Live i/v with Firefighters' Union secretary Derek Best. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS HOSPITALS - about 500 people attend Wanganui meeting to protest against what they say is reduction of services at Good Health Wanganui. Live i/v with mayor Chas Poynter who chaired the meeting. ECONOMY - several surveys suggest economy could be heading for "soft landing" of growth slowdown but no recession. Comment from National Bank chief economist Arthur Grimes. LEADED PETROL - when it's phased out, most pre-1980 cars will need fuel dosed with valve seat lubricant and many will need to be re-tuned to run on new fuel. Live i/v with mechanic Keith Webb of Webb's Auto Service. NUCLEAR TESTS - Australian protests against resumed French testing continue. Large numbers of yachties express interest in sailing protest vessels into test zone. Ray Richmond, pastor of Sydney's Wayside Chapel helping them get organised. He's i/ved live. COMMENT INDIA - i/v with correspondent Ranjan Gupta about Uttar Pradesh elections, which have seen 39 year old Untouchable woman voted into power.