Morning report. 1995-07-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Jul 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning '"Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Bronwen Evans
0700 NEWS NUCLEAR TESTS - remarks by French ambassador Jacques Le Blanc indicate next round of testing may not be the last, says if Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty not signed possibility of future testing cannot be excluded. Also says that France cannot agree with South Pacific Forum suggetions that it sign Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty. (Peter Fowler); live i/v with PM Jim Bolger NETBALL - NZ's Silver Ferns battling to stay in contention in netball world championships. Match against Australia well underway - live i/v with reporter Andrea Blackshaw. IMMIGRATION - minister Roger Maxwell announces new policies to further restrict entry to those who don't speak English. Standard language test to be used. Policy does not affect humanitarian, family reunification or Pacific Island immigration. (Mark Torley); i/v with Roger Maxwell.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS BRITAIN - "dirty protest" by 4 Irish Nationalist prisoners at Whitemoor prison because British govt won't transfer them back to Northern Ireland. I/v with Belfast correspondent David McKittrick. BOSNIA - attention focuses on fate of people in Zepa. Not yet clear of Serbs are in control of town, mayor has refused to surrender. I/v with UN spokesperson Chris Gunness. BOSNIA - international conference in London begins later today on whether to pull UN forces out or increase military operations in effort to salvage some credibility. (Keith Chalkley) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER RICH LIST - annual list of which NZers have how much money published by National Business Review. Live i/v with Rich List editor Graeme Hunt. MAN SWEPT AWAY in AK storm water system. AK City Council reviews safety procedures. Live i/v with control Inspector Rodney Drummond. BURMA - Aung San Suu Kyi tells supporters to guard against creation of personality cult around her. (Vaudine England) KARAMEA ROAD - delegation from Nelson-Motueka area meets Conservation minister Denis Marshall to dsicuss proposal for road linking Karamea on West Coast with Collingwood in Golden Bay. Any link road would pass through North West Nelson Forest Park, through area to be gazetted as Kahurangi National Park and would affect Heaphy Track. Live i/v with Tasman mayor Kerry Marshall (pro) and Nelson MP John Blincoe (anti). FRIGATE - Navy's new frigate Te Kaha to be launched in Melbourne tomorrow by Mrs Joan Bolger. Comment from Capt Alan Peck, asst Chief of Naval Staff. (Kathryn Street); live i/v with Jim Rolfe, defence analyst at VUW Centre for Strategic Studies. REGIONAL NEWS COOK ISLANDS - Foreign minister Don McKinnon says NZ won't withhold aid from Cooks to force co-operation with Commission of Inquiry into Cook Islands Tax Matters (winebox inquiry). Comment also from NZ First leader Winston Peters and Labour spokesman Phil Goff. (Anna Hughes) ARMED MAN SHOT by police - Gunsafe group wants to know how he managed to get hold of gun and ammunition he used. Comment from spokesman Philip Alpers. (Karlum Lattimore) STUART WILSON CASE - Blenheim District Court at end of second week of hearing depositions against Stuart Murray Wilson, accused of sexually attacking 38 women and charged with 71 sex and violence offences. Crown to continue today reading from 144 page statement from his longtime companion. (Merle Nowland) REGIONAL PETROL TAX legislation finally passes through Parliament and local authorities will soon be able to resume collecting it. Comment from MPs Michael Cullen and Rob Storey. (Anna Hughes) COMMENT OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about week's events across Tasman.