Morning report. 1995-08-02

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Broadcast Date
02 Aug 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS NUCLEAR TESTS - French officials say test programme may resume this month rather than in September as announced earlier. 4 devices said to be on Mururoa already. Live i/v with Paris correspondent Lynne Terry. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - IRD tells Inquiry Carter Holt Harvey has withheld documentation it was required under legislation to produce, also details "long and at times fraught" relationship with Fay Richwhite. (Martin Gibson); i/v with Bridget Wickham, public relations director with Carter Holt Harvey. TAINUI SETTLEMENT legislation brought into Parliament, with Māori tradition replacing Parliamentary procedure as legislation brought before the House. Comment from Treaty Negotiations minister Doug Graham, Western Māori MP Koro Wetere, AK Central MP Sandra Lee, and Northern Māori MP Tau Henare. (Anna Hughes) GLAXO drug manufacturing branch in Palmerston North to close by end of next year, with 120 jobs being phased out. Glaxo says it's partly due to Pharmac policies. Live I/v with managing director Alan Eldridge; live i/v with David moore, general manager of Pharmac.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FRANCE RECALLS AMBASSADOR to Australia after French company barred from competing for major defence contract. Live i/v with Canberra correspondent Pru Goward. N.Z. EXCLUDED from summit meeting planned between leaders of 10 Asian nations and leaders from 15 European nations. PM Jim Bolger says NZ not only country to be excluded. (Kathryn Street) SCHOOL TRUSTEES of Paeroa's Miller Avenue School vote to pay themselves $1,000 bonus and substantially higher fees than those recommended by School Trustees' Assn. 36 children removed from school by angry parents, although 12 have since returned. Live i/v with Ross Mayall, chair of board and president of Assn Mark Farnsworth. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER NGAI TAHU lodges biggest ever land claim with Waitangi Tribunal which it says signals more aggressive negotiating stance with govt. Trust Board warns Ngai tahu claiming every single piece of SOE land held or sold to public in South Island apart from Nelson and Marlborough area. Live i/v with general manager of Ngai Tahu Property Group, Tony Sewell. SECOND INQUEST on Alistair Milne, AK college student who died when head struck overbridge while standing on seat in open-topped double-decker bus. Inquest criticses the safety of the bus rather than his drinking, which was focussed on by first coroner, Stephen Osborne. Comment from father David Milne, bus company lawyer Alex Wittenm abd Deputy secretary of Transport Ministry, Stuart Milne. (Adam Hollingworth) NZ FINANCE SECTOR UNION agrees to establish closer ties with Australian counterpart with future merger to be considered. Comment from Finsec general secretary Paul Goulter and Australian secretary Tony Beck. (Mark Torley) GLAXO - live i/v with mayor of Palmerston North, Paul Reiger, about implications for city of closure. UNINSURED VEHICLES - private member's Bill introduced to make it compulsory for all drivers to take out third party insurance. Debate shows no desire among Ntonal MPs for law change. Comment from MPs Rob Storey, Harry Duynhoven, Suzanne Sinclair and Robert Anderson. (Kathryn Street) REGIONAL NEWS FOREIGN INVESTMENT - govt backdown on legislation gives Opposition MPs fresh chance to attack Bill. Overseas Investment Bill vastly different now from that originally planned by Finance minister Bill Birch. Comment from MPs Winston Peters, Jim Sutton and Bill Birch. (Anna Hughes) NUCLEAR TESTS - two 12 year old Hamilton students organise protest march against resumption of French tests. I/v with one of them, Laura Kateley. KIWIS bred in captivity in Otorohanga kiwi house from eggs taken from wild will be released into reserve, with proviso that reserve is for local birds so only kiwis with the right relatives will be released there. Live i/v with Otorohanga keeper Roy Dench. VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA - MP Michael Laws expected to have chance tonight of introducing his Death with Dignity Bill. Comment from Mr Laws and Christian Democrat leader Graeme Lee. (Marie Hosking) TELECOM announces latest quarterly result. Live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans. COMMENT WALT DISNEY company buys broadcasting conglomerate Capital Cities which owns ABC and ESPN sports network. Live i/v with Los Angeles correspondent Kirsty MeIvor.