Morning report. 1995-08-03

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Broadcast Date
03 Aug 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS NUCLEAR TESTS - Spanish foreign minister, EU representative at Asean meeting, says NZ Foreign minister Don McKinnon's remarks about European attitude to French nuclear tests are "stupid and ignorant". Don McKinnon comments. (Vaudine England) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY hears evidence claiming fraud and mismanagement by Cook Islands govt from former head of Cook Islands treasury, Michael Fleming. Also comment from IRD investigator John Nash. (Martin Gibson) COMMERCE COMMISSION ruling that 10 year term for mental health contract involving Walkato CHE and Midland RHA would be monopolistic prompts both praise and derision. Comment from Peter McGeorge of Mental Health Fndn and Gerry Warmisley, Richmond Fellowship national director; live i/v with chair of Crown Health Assn, Dr Brent Layton. RURAL SCHOOLS - Education minister proposes to shut down 5 small schools in South Canterbury and use money saved to buy computers for students. Comment from Lockwood Smith, local MPs Jim Sutton and Alec Neill. (Anna Hughes) CORONER - former Attorney General David Lange suggest judicial commission to hear complaints against judges and coroners, in wake of latest incident involving AK coroner Stephen Osborne. (Kathryn Street)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS DOMESTIC ABUSE - new study reveals NZ men more abusive than had been thought. Survey of attitudes they have to domestic abuse produces results that surprise researchers. (Leigh-Anne Wiig); live i/v with report co-author Julie Leibrich. VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA Bill introduced into Parliament but MPs run out of time t vote on it. Medical Assn chair Dennis Pezaro concerned about Death With Dignit Bill, wants thorough debate on it. He's i/ved live. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER NUCLEAR TESTS - live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher about govt attitudes towards protest of caucus attitudes and public's views. AUDIT OFFICE says Parliament given false sense of security about CHE and SOE performances because they can't be fully scrutinised by auditors under current legislation. I/v with former Auditor General Brian Tyler who's concerned Audit Office's study of SOEs not as rigourous as its study of govt department accounts. (Mng Rpt) HURRICANE ERIN - Florida resident clean up after being hit with winds guting u to 160 kms an hour. I/v with Lori Rosza, "Miami Herald" reporter. WATER - Wellington Regional Council proposing to export some of its water to Middle East. Live i/v with Council's utilities services manager Peter Leslie. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS TEAESA- CORMACK - Police says advances in DNA testing mean they're only months away from result in murder investigation. 6 year old Teresa abducted, sexually assaulted and murdered in 1987. Live i/v with head of forensic services at Police National HQ, Det Chief Insp Bruce Scott. DRINK/DRIVE - rural people more likely to be killed than city people, according to report on study conducted by road safety researcher at ESR, Dr John Bailey. Dr Bailey i/ved live. COMMENT ISRAEL - leaders turn on Jewish settlers in occupied territories, accusing them of wanting to create reign of anarchy and of undermining national security. I/v with correspondent Asher Wallfish. FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.