Morning report. 1995-08-07

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Broadcast Date
07 Aug 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS CROATIAN FORCES take almost all of Serb held Krajina area. Serb refugee agencies say 120,000 people already on move ans another 90,000 trying to flee. James Kanu, UNHCR, says refugee picture is grim; i/v with UN spokeswoman Leah Melnick about how well placed UN is to cope with refugees. SERBIA itself remains relatively tight-lipped about the fate of the Krajina region. (Jonathan Schwass) ALLIANCE decides to pull out of talks with Labour after attempts by parties to co-operate against govt fail. (Kathryn Street); live i/v with Alliance leader Jim Anderton; live i/v with Labour leader Helen Clark.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS STATE HIGHWAY ONE - slips close part of road north of Kaikoura, also affecting rail line. Live i/v with Transit NZ's operations engineer for region, Peter Connors. COPYRIGHT PROBLEMS cause organisers of Nelson school music festival to cancel event. Music affected includes "God Defend New Zealand". Comment from festival organiser Marilyn Dillon and Tasman MP Nick Smith. (Karlum Lattimore); live i/v with copyright lawyer Paul Sumpter. ABORTION CLINIC - 7 staff at private AK Medical Aid Centre clinic to strike in protest against management proposals to make nurses perform counselling duties, say clinic's owners have raised fees considerably while trying to cut costs. Live i/v with Nurses' Union organiser Ken Johnson. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY resumes today with secret witness A back on the stand. (Martin Gibson) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER HIROSHIMA 50TH ANNIVERSARY - actuality of Col Paul Tibbett, who dropped the atomic bomb from Enola Gay on Aug 6, 1945; thousands of people attend commemmoration in Hiroshima, including correspondent Stephen Engel - he's i/ved live; in NZ anniverary marked throughout the country. Comment from peace activist Elsie Locke and CH mayor Vicki Buck. (Noreen Hegarty) ALLIANCE/LABOUR - where does failure to reach agreement leave the Oppposition? Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. RUGBY - Wallabies expected to announce today they will not be joining rebel World Rugby Corpn. Live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NLWS/SPORTS NUCLEAR TESTS - another boat in protest flotilla leaves for Mururoa today. 3 boats left yesterday, live i/v with skipper Barry Keon of "Tryptich". OSTRICHES - concern about design of crates used to transport birds from England after 21 die of heat stress. Birds part of 104 bird consignment from Devon to Bierton Downs emu and ostrich quarantine farm in Rotorua. live i/v with Bierton Downs owner Mike Moran. SEXUAL ABUSE - Dr Robin Fancourt, immediate past president of Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care, says NZ still has long way to go in prevention, says AK serial rapist Joseph Thompson good example of rapist being created from severely dysfunctional upbringing. (Fiona Mayo) COMMENT CENTRAL AMERICA - live /v with correspondent Neil Wiese about Nicaraguan politics and Mexican peso crisis.