Morning report. 1995-08-09

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Broadcast Date
09 Aug 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS NUCLEAR TESTS - France dismisses NZ decision to protest to International Court of Justice over nuclear tests. Foreign ministry official Yves Doutriaux i/ved. (Mng Rpt) NUCLEAR TESTS - i/v with international lawyer Richard Plender about NZ's original application to International Court of Justice in 1973 and Its relation to current Issues. (Mng Rpt) NUCLEAR TESTS - live i/v with PM Jim Bolger about application to International Court of Justice; live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. NUCLEAR TESTS - live i/v with Canberra correspondent Pru Goward about Australian govt reaction to NZ taking case against France to International Court of Justice. RUGBY - NZRFU and players saying little about their meeting to discuss player grievances. Chair Richie Guy says contracts were not topic of discussion. He's i/ved live.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS CROATIA - UN says another truce has been agreed, allowing remaining Serbs in Krajina region to surrender weapons In exchange for talks on opening corridor for Serb civilians and unarmed soldiers to cross into Bosnia. I/v with Ron Redmond, UNHCR. (Mng Rpt) CROATIA - Serbs in eastern Slavonia, region between Croatia and Serbia, on war footing, warning of imminent danger of Croatian invasion. UNPROFOR spokesperson Leah Melninck says there's already been military action on both sides of line between eastern Slavonia and Croatia. (Jonathan Schwass) PROGRESSIVE GREEN PARTY to be launched today. (Paula Penfold); live i/v with co-ordinator Gary Taylor. KEA - 26 found dead at Fox Glacier rubbisdh dump, appear to have been shot. DoC outraged, police investigating. (Leigh-Anne Wiig) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER NUCLEAR TESTS - i/v with correspondent Joseph Schumann about how NZ decision to take case to International Court of Justice is being received in France. (Mng Rpt) NUCLEAR TESTS - live i/v with Dr Martyn Finlay, attorney general in the Kirk Labour govt who took the case against France to International Court of Justice in 1973. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - cross-examination of Fay Richwhite director David Richwhite continues. He's revelaed European Pacific board had received initial advice its billion dollar tax credit deals could lead to prosecution. Martin Gibson reports live. JANINE LAW CASE - second inquest into her death begins today. Reporter Glenda Wakeham i/ved live on need for inquest after man has been jailed for her murder. NATIONAL MUTUAL members vote in favour of takeover by French finance company AXA, although some at Melbourne meeting asked management why NM has got into sduch difficulties it needed the capital injection it will get from AXA deal. Live i/v with NZ general manager Anthony Ratcliffe. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS TEACHERS - govt confident of meeting target of 1200 extra teachers next year after recruitment drive to solve staffing shortages and improve teacher ratios. Live i/v with Associate Education minister Roger McClay. DRUGS - principal of CH's Cashmere High School, Bob Wilson, says he's received huge support for decision to call in police to check pupils for drugs. 4 pupils caught with small amounts of cannabis. He's i/ved live. MERCURY ENERGY, AK power supply company, plans to subject many workers to drug and alcohol testing. PSA concerned by move. (Glenda Wakeham) NUCLEAR TESTS -Insurance Council wants govt to help insure part of protest flotilla going to Mururoa. Companies have been under political pressure to lend support to fleet after skippers refused insurance. Comment from David Sergeant, Insurance Council, and Hugh Templeton of the Development and Conservation Trust. (Helen Matterson) COMMENT BRITAIN - smokers getting their own back on insurance companies; Prince Edward and Sophie Rees Jones. Live i/v with correspondent Keith Chalkley