Morning report. 1995-08-16

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Broadcast Date
16 Aug 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS GOVERNOR-GENERAL - Appeal Court judge Michael Hardie Boys is the likely-appointee. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. GOVERNOR-GENERAL - NZ First leader Winston Peters says he has no objection to person chosen but is furious at govt's handling of appointment and failure to consult properly with minor parties. He's i/ved live. JAPAN APOLOGISES - PM Tomiichi Murayama marks 50th anniversary of VJ Day with unambiguous apology for wartime actions. Apology provokes varying responses from NZers. Comment from PM Jim Bolger, Labour leader Helen Clark, Rotorua RSA president Jack Anderson, and vox pops. (Kiri Coughlan) JAPAN APOLOGISES - live i/v with correspondent Stephen Engel about reaction in Japan to PM's apology. CORONER - after seeking legal advice from Solicitor General, Justice minister Doug Graham says there is no avenue for him to take matter of coroner Stephen Osborne's competence any further. Labour's Justice spokesman Phil Goff says Mr Graham is dodging responsibility by failing to move against Mr Osborne. (Janice Rodenburg); Janine Law's brother in law Doug Richardson one of those calling for Inquiry into Mr Osborne's competence - he's i/ved live; live i/v with Justice minister Doug Graham.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS THOMAS MURDER TRIAL - jury begins second day of deliberations on guilt or innocence of antique dealer John Barlow. (Corinne Ambler) PUBLIC SERVICE - senior Māori public servants say lack of Māori in senior and middle management positions is matter of serious concern, meeting to discuss "movement away from biculturalism in recent years". Live i/v with Wira Gardiner, chief exec of Te Puni Kokiri. VJ DAY - commemmorations conclude in WN with military pagenat and fireworks. (Janice Rodenburg) VJ DAY - live i/v with Robin Klitscher, responsible for co-ordinating all the commemmoration activities. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER NUCLEAR TESTS - protest flotilla now well on way to Mururoa. Live i/v with spokesman Craig Hardy on various boats' progress. NUCLEAR TESTS - vaka (traditional canoe) preparing to leave Cook Islands for Mururoa. Final crew expected to include indigenous representative from as many Pacific Island states as possible. Live i/v with co-ordinator of Vaka Ki Mururoa, Brian Mason. BOSNIA - new episode of "ethnic cleansing" unfolding as last Croats and Muslims left in Bosnian Serb-held region of Banja Luka begin to flee to Croatia. I/v with UNHCR spokesman Chris Janowski. (Jonathan Schwass) CH TAXI COMPANY, Yellow Midi, has licence revoked by Land Transport Safety Authority, resultingin 37 cabs off the. road and up to 53 drivers out of work. Authority says action related to maintenance of standards within industry. Live i/v with Craig Hill, acting group manager for Authority's Safer People and Operators section. ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARD - Tradenz launches programme to promote new international standard allowing companies to verify environmental claims. Environmental Integrity Programme aims to give companies practical information needed to establish sound environmental management systems. Live i/v with keynote speaker at launch, Martin van Zwanenberg, divisional director of Marks and Spencer. REGIONAL NEWS
0800 NEWS/SPORTS O J SIMPSON TRIAL - possibility of mistrial being declared because of involvement of Judge Ito's wife with police. Live i/v with correspondent Richard Arnold. PHOBIAS - Dr Alan Hirsch, "Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Fndn" in Chicago studying effects of various smells on perception of physical space, finds scentof green apples help to alleviate symptoms of claustrophobia. He's i/ved live. NATIVE TREE SPECIES - Forest Research Inst wants to implement conservation management plans for species to ensure genetic diversity is preserved, singles out totara as first specie for the exercise. Live i/v with molecular geneticist Dr Tom Richardson. COMMENT PHILIPPINES - President Fidel Ramos in NZ on state visit. Correspondent Vaudine England i/ved about his rise to power and economic reforms. (Mng Rpt)