Morning report. 1995-08-18

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Broadcast Date
18 Aug 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning '"Rural"' NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Junes
0700 NEWS illegible MOUNTAINEER Bruce Grant missing on K2, world's second highest mountain, unaccounted for after avalanche kills 5 climbers. Expedition leader Peter Hillary reported safe at base with 2 team members, Kim Logan and Matt Kameski. Live i/v with mountaineer Graham Dingle. CHINA - international criticism of latest nuclear test. NZ govt to protest to ambassador on Monday. Labour leader Helen Clark says that's too late. (Janice Rodenburg); why wait until Monday? I/v with Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon. POLITICAL FUNDING - wrangle developing over allocation of more than $600,000 to 3 new parliamentary parties. Live i/vs with United leader Clive Matthewson, NZ First leader Winston Peters and ACT NZ president Rodney Hyde. NUCLEAR TESTS - Mururoa protest flotilla running into stormy weather. Live i/v with co-ordinator Craig Hardy.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS THOMAS MURDER - Solicitor General considering whether John Barlow should be tried a third time. Crown seeking third trial, defence opposing it. Comment from police officer in charge of inquiry Det Insp Brett Kane, defence lawyer John Billington and Dianne Thomas, daughter and sister of murdered men. illegible Ambler); live i/v with Warren Young, VUW law faculty. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE in NZ falls to 3rd lowest level in OECD after Japan and US. Latest Household Labour Force Survey shows strong growth in economy continuing to feed through into jobs. Comment from Bankers Trust economist David Plank. (Bronwen Evans); live i/v with Ken Douglas, CTU president and member of Employment Task Force. NUCLEAR TESTS - South Pacific environment ministers conference in Brisbane ends with pledge of commitment to strong and united protest at France's decision to resume testing in South Pacific. (Zandra Sharpe) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0830 NEWS/WEATHER USED CARS - Serious Fraud Office launches investigation into "widespread tampering" with odometers in Japanese imports. Motor Vehicle Manufacturers' Assn earlier claimed unscrupulous dealers have cost car buyers more than $760 million. Comment from Pam Oughton, exec director of Motor Vehicle Dealers' Inst. (Kiri Coughlan) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Labour leader Helen Clark now backing Winston Peters' claims that Inland Revenue Dept and Serious Fraud Office failed to thoroughly investigate "winebox" documents, calls for inquiry terms of reference to be strengthened to allow Sir Ronald Davison to recommend individuals be prosecuted for fraud. (Janice Rodenburg) PARIS - bomb explodes in crowded tourist area near subway entrance, injuring illegible illegible KUILL CUREEW youth advocacy organisations illegible of Rights. Curfew has aim of combatting what police says is growing dishonesty problem. Targets under 17 years olds out out between hours of 10pm and 6pm. Comment from Children's Commissioner Laurie O'Reilly and Youth law Project solicitor Carol Parker. (Corinne Ambler); live i/v with Snr Sgt Rex Knight of Te Kuiti police. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE - regional job figures identify Northland as having biggest fall in country, from 13% to
00:00:9:6% in 3 months. Live i/vs with Bill Shepherd, Northland Chamber of Commerce and Edna Tait, principal of Whangarei's Tikipung High School. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS USED CARS - claims that unscrupulous car dealers have cost car buyers more tha $760 million. Live i/v with chair of Imported Motor Vehicle Dealers' Assn., John Nicholls. NATIONAL PARTY annual conference begins in DN today buoyed by strong poll illegible but facing criticism it doesn't give enough attention to minority groups. Comment from PM Jim Bolger and women's vice president Colleen illegible. (Janice Rodenburg) HUI- hundreds of Māori leaders expected to attend major hui next month, called by Sir Hepi Te Heu Heu, to further demands for Māori to have control over own affairs. (Mark Torley) COMMENT OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about week's events across the Tasman.