Morning report. 1995-08-28

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Broadcast Date
28 Aug 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin
0700 NEWS RUGBY UNION turns professional. Special meeting of International Rugby Board in Paris accepts principle of professionalism and lifts all restrictions on players being paid. Live i/v with NZRFU chair Richie Guy. NUCLEAR TESTS - Opposition demands "Tui" be ordered to carry protest note to French authorities on Mururoa. 2 MPs on board have been unable to deliver Protest letters because Navy says permission from WN must be obtained before Meeting can be arranged. Alliance claims "Tui" collaborating with French by warning flotilla vessels to stay out of exclusion zone. Comment from Labour leader Helen Clark. (Stephen Hewson); "Tui" closing in on "Rainbow Warrior". Live i/v with reporter Mark Crysell aboard "Tui"; live i/v with reporter Don Rood aboard "Rainbow Warrior"; live i/v with MPs Chris Carter and Brian Neeson illegible "Tui". BOAT REPAIRS - Terry Rhodes, owner of uninsured "Tasman Star", wants assistance to pay for repairs to boat which was damaged while trying to help refloat "Spirit of New Zealand" from sandbar off Great Barrier Island. He's i/ved live. ROSS MEURANT - political fate expected to be made clear today, must choose between job as Agricultue Under-Secretary and director of Russian investment bank. Comment from United Party leader Clive Matthewson. (Anna Hughes)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS TAX CUTS - broad shape of package decided. Finance minister Bill Birch preparing to consult United Party in bid for support for legislation. He comments. (Anna Hughes); United's Finance spokesperson Peter Dunne says govt has to start talking soon if it wants backing. He's i/ved live. COMMERCE COMMISSION taking tougher line on enforcing Commerce Act. Chair Alan illegible says number of deregulated industries have now had time to understand obligations under Act. He's i/ved live. AIR NEW ZEALAND - Labour MP Pete Hodgson wants airline to stop offering French Wine to passengers until Mururoa tests over. Live i/v with Air NZ spokesman David Beatson. NUCLEAR TESTS - live i/v with Mark Crysell aboard "Tui" re its closing in on" "Rainbow Warrior". Live i/v also with MP Brian Neeson.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER RUGBY UNION - decision by IRB to make game professional described as "total triumph" for the sport. Some not so enthusiastic. Live i/vs with veteran commentator T P McLean and former All Black and Manu Samoa's driving force, Bryan Williams. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES N Z DOLLAR - trading banks watching closely after Reserve Bank intervenes to push up value because of fears that falling value and low interest rates will fuel inflation. Live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans. MONDAY OZ SPOT - Federal govt threatens to re-regulate banking fees if charges to low income earners not reduced. Live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS SOCIAL STUDIES - Education Forum says draft curriculum so deeply flawed it should be scrapped, says it provides blank cheque for teachers to follow any whim that takes their fancy and is biased towards indigenous peoples and cultures. Live i/vs with Forum's Claudia Wysocki and Education ministry's senir manager of learning and evaluation policy, Tim McMahon. NUCLEAR TESTS - further live i/v with Mark Crysell re unhappiness of MPs Brian Neeson and Chris Carter over inability to deliver protest letters to French and over whether journalists from "Rainbow Warrior" will be allowed aboard "Tui". DOGS - union representing some electricity meters says it's not surprising some are using stun guns to ward off dangerous dogs. (Lydia Monin); i/v with Mercury Energy meter reader Frank Webster, who was severely bitten while working. (Mng Rpt) COMMENT NUCLEAR TESTS - European Commission negotiators check French data about safety aspects of nuclear testing programme. Live i/v with Brussels correspondent John Fraser.